Chapter 2 | Umbridge's Reign

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Chapter 2: Umridge's Reign
POVs: Draco/Ronald

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All was good till now, we haven't managed to find a place to practice yet. Apparently, Umbridge has eyes everywhere. I was summoned one Tuesday directly before my Double-Transfiguration with the Gryffindors. I stood in front of Umbridge's door and fixed my tie, with trembling fingers.

I hope she didn't discover my hidden motives. Okay Draco! It's now or never.... After that, I put on my best Malfoy smirk to look nonchalant. This will reduce her suspicions.

I knocked on the door, then entered when I heard that annoying squeaky voice of hers allowing me to come in.

"Good day Professor," I was standing in front of her desk, "you asked for me?"

"Oh yes!" She exclaimed excitedly, "I heard that you have recently become good friends with Potter, Granger and Weasley. I summoned you here today, to make sure that this is all to the benefit of the Ministry of Magic. I would be very disappointed if I learned that you've lied to me and befriending Potter is for personal benefit, or fame..." She stopped talking for a few seconds with her eyebrows raised,"The punishment shall be way worse than you can ever imagine. Understood?" She smiled wickedly at me, as if we were discussing the weather or my grades over tea.

If only she knew what I was really up to, she wouldn't just punish me... She'd probably wipe off the entire existence of the the Slytherin house. Another reason to be careful about my recent activities with Potter, Granger and Weasel...ey.

"With all my respect professor, but I'm shocked to find that you have yet failed to be sure of the actual reason behind my new 'acquaintance' -I barely call it a friendship- is to help you take over the 'Potter reign'. I, like you, believe that it's about time some changes get done around here. Maybe we can call the new reign, The Umbridge reign. Yeah... I like the sound of that!" I said, using the typical Malfoy charm on her.

Umbridge's smile widened if that's even possible, which made her look like a toad more than she already is. She had a certain gleam in her eyes, which I wasn't able to point out its exact meaning. It was for sure, a nasty look, and I felt like shivering from that look. But I resisted the urge, and added, "May I be excused professor? I have a Transfiguration lesson to attend."

"You may, and take this note to Professor McGonagall, even though you don't have to worry about detention since you're a prefect. Chop, chop!" She ended her sentence by clapping her tiny hands together like an idiot.

The second I was out of that Godforsaken pink meowy disgusting office, I loosened my tie and breathed out heavily. This was really tiring, telling such lies about people I consider now as friends is way worse than I thought. But if these lies will help my friends in any way possible, I shall take the risk.


Hermione, Harry and I were all sitting tense in Transfiguration, Malfoy still hasn't showed up. Harry and I were sitting behind our desk, Hermione directly behind us alone. Twenty minutes have already passed since the beginning of the lesson, and I was starting to get worried for real! I knew that Harry was right. He wouldn't rat us on, he had a million chances to do so... He wouldn't do it now.

I almost, almost got off my seat to make up an excuse to McGonagall to go search for him, when he opened the classroom's door and went straight towards professor McGonagall talked to her in whispers. We were all able to see him hand her a sealed letter, it was a pink parchment covered with glitter. McGonagall directly set it us aside and cleaned her hands. After that hilarious scene, Draco made his way towards us. Hermione dropped her bag off the desk, I was able to hear her move all of her stuff from quills and books and parchments to make some space for him as he slid beside her. McGonagall along with the others, were a bit taken aback. Some whispers broke out, and Draco received dirty looks from Theodor Nott, Crabbe and Goyle. But McGonagall immediately shushed them by threats to give detention. Harry looked up at her, and nodded to show that he was grateful. McGonagall just nodded back and proceeded with her lesson.

Mid-through the lesson, Hermione started whispering loudly behind us. I turned around and saw Malfoy all over her. I got angry at first and felt protective of her, but then I noticed that he kinda looked...


Hermione was freaking out, she had her hand on his forehead checking for a fever.

"Professor.. Professor!" McGonagall stopped explaining immediately and looked towards us, "I'm so sorry to interrupt! But I need to get Draco to the hospital wing, he has a very high fever and is about to faint." Her voice was about to crack and her eyes were a bit teary.

Few minutes later, and the three of us were rushing Malfoy to the hospital wing. Malfoy was levitated by Hermione and we were walking ahead of them holding all of our stuff and clearing the way for them. When we finally managed to reach there, Madam Pomfrey said we can leave him there and go back to class.

Hermione however, being the stubborn girl she is, of course insisted to stay by his side, even if that meant missing some classes. She just asked them to leave Draco and her's bags. This way she can solve his assignments for him.

We reached the door when I finally looked back at those two, Hermione was quietly talking to him and he just stared into her eyes, a small smile on his lips. Then he hesitated before he reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers. Hermione was a bit surprised by the gesture, it showed on her face, but she didn't pull back.

On the contrary, she actually moved her chair closer to his bed, and opened a book with her free hand. As I left Hermione studying, I had one thought on my mind.....

I think Draco likes Hermione.

I think Hermione likes Draco!

Of course they like each other!




Author's note:

I would like to take the time and thank SarcasticSassgardian for her efforts. I wuv you Nour 😍
I would also like to thank you, yes you! Thanks for stopping by my story, and please vote & comment. You'd make my day 💖
Follow me on Wattpad and Twitter 😉 (Twitter account: @kleib_yasmina)
With love, Yasmina. 💞

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