The love of us

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Devyn's P. O. V.- I was sleeping good before somebody ripped the sheets off my body. I turned over and there was Dammion ass, eating a bowl of cereal.

"Wake up, we're going to church."

I sat up in my bed "What time is it."

"8:12 and church starts at 9 so get up." He went into my bathroom.

"I don't want to go, I'm tired!" I whined but I managed to get out of the bed.

"Yes you do cause my Grandparents, Aunts, ,Uncles, and cousins are going to be there."

"Okay what should I wear?" I asked going in the direction of my closet.

"Church clothes duh!" He laughed.

I smacked my lips "I know that, I'm asking because I want to know what color to wear."

"Well I'm wearing turquoise and gray so match me." He sighed.


Its was 8:45 when I finished getting ready I wore a long turquoise maxi dress, some gray wedges, and my hair was flowing down my back. I decided against make-up because if I would have put some on we would have been late.

Dammion wore a turquoise polo shirt, some gray pants, and gray Samoas. We matched exactly.

"Aww babe I'm surprised you didn't wear a beanie." I ran my fingers through his curly black hair.

He started his car up "Because if I would've walked into that church with a beanie on my head my grandma would beat the shit out of me, and this would be the day you would see your boyfriend die."

I laughed "Really?"

"Yes babe really! My grandparents don't play that shit especially my grandma." He shook his head.

"What are your family members names?" I was curious because I had only met his mom, and seen his dad maybe once.

"My grandparents names are Helen, and Henry." He laughed, I knew he was thinking what I was thinking.

"Match made in heaven right?" He asked.

"Yeah, those are like twin names." I clapped my hands laughing.

"My mama has six sisters, three older and three younger.  The oldest name is Hope she's 51, then there's Patricia she's 50, then aunt Cathy she's 49, then my mama she's 48, then my favorite aunt her name is Latisha she's 47, then my aunt Margret she's 46, then last is my aunt Elizabeth she's 45." He let out a breath.

"Damn Dammion, their all one year apart!" I really couldn't believe that. Seven kids in seven years.

"Yeah, my grandma told me when I was younger that she really wanted a boy so that's why she kept trying." He laughed.

"What about your cousins and uncles?" I asked wanting to know more.

"All my aunts are married, and all them have kids except my Aunt Latisha because she can't have kids."

"That's so sad, does she have any adopted kids?"

"No, that's why she spoils her neices and nephews like crazy." He chuckled.

"You'll meet them when we get there case church doesn't start till 9:30 I just told you 9 so your ass would be ready early enough." He said laughing.

"I could still be sleep!" I punched in his leg.

"Anyway Devyn, We're having a Sunday dinner after church. You coming?" He looked at me.

"Hell yeah I'm coming. Your mama can cook her ass off so I know the rest of your family can cook." My mouth watered thinking of the food.

He turned into the church parking lot "You're crazy."

When we got out of the car his little cousins rushed over to greet him.

"Hey lil man" He said to a little light skin boy that was tugging on his leg, he looked like Dammion but his hair was light brown, and he had green eyes. He was a cutie.

Dammion picked him causing his to giggle "Devyn this is my baby cousin Noah, he's 3."

"Hey cutie." I said smiling at him, he smiled back and waved.

He introduced me to his other younger cousins before we went into the church.

His mom Tina came and greeted us. She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek "Hey pretty girl." She smiled.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine sweetie, are you coming to the dinner or did my son not tell you?" She gave Dammion a look and he looked the other way.

I laughed "Yes ma'am he told me and I'm coming."

"Well then good."

After we talked to his mom for a few more minutes she called over his Aunts.

They all looked just alike, just with different hair colors and styles.

They all told me how pretty I was and asked me was Dammion treating me right. Of course I said yes.

"Devyn there's my Grandparents." Dammion said grabbing my hand and leading me up the row his grandparents were sitting on.

His grandfather was a darker man he kind of looked like Samuel L. Jackson but older.

And his Grandma was a beautiful lighter toned lady, I guess that's where all his Aunt's and his mom got there color from.

"Grandma this is my girlfriend Devyn." He said nervously.

She smiled and grabbed my free hand "Nice to me you. I'm Helen and this is my husband Henry but you can call us Grandma and Grandpa too."

"Yes Ma'am." I said sitting down by her.

"Nice to meet you." Grandpa said taping my hand that Dammion had let go of.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled at him.

They were the cutest couple. They both had on turquoise and gray well actually all of Dammion's family had on turquoise and gray. No wonder why we wore it.

We all sat together and church was great. Dammion's family really welcomed me and we talked about everything under the sun.

After church we were heading to his grandparents house and I had a feeling that was going to be amazing too.

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