Chapter One

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The world changed when Superman flew across the sky.

And then it changed again when he didn't.

That's why I'm here.


"It's taken some work, but I finally have them." Amanda Waller states to the Admiral and General as she cuts her steak. "The worst of the worst."

Amanda Waller takes the binder marked Top Secret and slides it over between the Admiral's and General's dinner plates.

"There are rumors that some of them have abilities." Admiral hesitates.

"Oh, those rumors are true." Amanda deadpans. "Do you know what the problem with a metahuman is?" She asks the two. Both men shake their heads. "The human part." She answers.

"You're playing with fire, Amanda." Admiral states.

"No, I'm fighting fire with fire." She corrects. She gently picks up her wine glass and takes a sip out of it.

"It's just that Taskforce X is undone," Admiral argues. The General takes a bite of his steak, trying to ignore this conversation.

"Yes, but this time, you'll listen," Amanda replies.

She notices that the men haven't even touched the binder yet. She sighs and flips open the binder herself.

"Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot." She states, revealing the file of the African American assassin and his mugshot. "He is the most wanted hit-man in the world. They say he has an elite client Intel. But everyone has a weakness that can be leveraged. His is an eleven-year-old honor student in Gotham City, his daughter." She explains. "So we watched and waited."

"And you caught him?" The General speaks up.

"Not me. I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham City." She corrects, referring to Gotham's hero, Batman.

"Now, we have the man that never misses." She states, a bit proud of herself.

"Where did you put him?" The General further questions.

"Let's just say I put him in a hole and threw away the hole." Amanda dismisses.

She quickly turns to the next file, revealing the mugshot of a woman with platinum blonde hair with blue dye in one end and pink dye on the other. A small heart is tattooed on her cheekbone and the word Rotten is tattooed on her jawline.

"Harley Quinn. Before she ran off to join the circus, she was known as Dr. Harlem Quinzel. A psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, assigned to the clown himself. She though she was curing him, but she was falling in love." Amanda explains.

"Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong." Amanda jokes yet shows no sign of humor or kidding in her facial expression.

"They became the King and Queen of Gotham and God help anyone who disrespected the Queen. That was only the beginning. She's crazier than him and more fearless. But, the Bat got her too and took her to the same home as Deadshot." She explains.

The men continue to look at the file, jumping up slightly as Amanda quickly turns to the next page, revealing a mugshot of a man with brown hair and a scruffy beard.

"Digger Harkness. Or as the tabloids call him, Captain Boomerang. Robbed every bank in Australia at least once and came to America for a fresh target set. Doesn't work well with others. But he got tangled with the metahuman and lived to tell about it." She explains, referring the last part to the Flash.

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