Chapter Thirteen

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A word we all fear.

We always strive to be the best because once we die, it's over. There's no coming back. Everyone wants to leave their mark on the world.

Most people are scared of it. All are afraid of what might happen afterwards. Where do they go? Will their spirits haunt what's left of this earth? Or will they find peace?

Death is not something to take lightly. Once or twice, we can all admit, that we've been scared of it. That it can hurt us or ruin what's left.

Some say it's a blessing. Immortality sounds great at first, but as the decades turn to centuries, you just want to end it. Death is better than most punishments.

She's never thought of death. She's never thought once about the people she has killed or what happens after they die. She has never thought of the consequences that could happen.

She was never scared.

But today, she is.

All the thoughts flow through her head. Is this the end? If I make it out alive, what happens then?

Something clicked inside of Ava, and she knows what she must do. After all of this, if she makes it out alive -- which she is determined to -- she will do all she can to make that come true.

"How long have you been able to see?"

The Suicide Squad moves towards the Enchantress, all but Ava eyes are near to bugging out of their sockets.

She watches the Enchantress as a green aura that matches her eyes surrounds her. A symbolic headpiece, that reminds Ava of a toenail, sits atop her head and jewels cover her body.

El Diablo steps forward, his chest heaving as he takes ragged breaths. "My whole life." He answers through jagged breaths. "You can't have them. These are my people right here."

The Enchantress' cloak waves in the wind. "But it is our time." She smiles. "The sun is setting, and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change."

"No. No, I don't think we are a sign of change, bitch. The only change we are to the world is increasing the death toll." Ava crosses her arm.

"Lady, you are evil." Floyd snaps, jabbing a finger at the Enchantress.

Her chest begins to glows a green glow. She laughs and begins to call out in an unknown language. "Fuck." Ava curses. A large great being strides forward towards them. A man, taller that a few small buildings, with skin of red lava and cracked ash above it.

Katana pulls out her sword. "Who's this?" Captain Boomerang exclaims.

"It's gonna be bad." Rick warns to the rest of the group, already shooting.

"We should run." Floyd suggests, taking a few steps back.

Ava raises her hands in a defensive position, her eyes glow the familiar neon purple. "Fuck that."

The large being shoots its arms out, a fiery goo sprays out towards the squad in which they quickly jump back. Everyone throws or shoots their weapons.

Ava crosses her arms, keeping them straight. A split second after she does that, the being's arms cross and stop its firing.

"We gotta get him in that corner." The colonel instructs. "That's where the the bomb will be."

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