Chapter5- New Vans

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Evie's P.O.V

I woke up in a completely different place that I had never seen before. For a minute I thought I had been kidnapped but once again my paranoia had gotten the best of me as I heard a soft snore beside me; I completely remembered I had slept in Michael's bed! I really needed to get up because I could smell some sort of food being made downstairs. I tried to wriggle out of his arms but with every try his grasp got tighter. For some reason, I had the feeling that he was already awake and was just being a dick.

I lay there, motionless, trying to think of a 'Plan B'. After a while of weighing up my options I decided the best tactic was to scream really loud. Smirking at my genius, I gathered all the energy and let out the loudest scream I could muster.

Michael's body sat bolt upright in bed, looking around the room bewildered. I let out a giggle which caused his head to shoot round to look at me, his gorgeous eyes penetrating mine. A mischevious smile spread across his face as he got up and practically jumped on my head.

I couldn't control my laughter as four pairs of worried eyes stared at us.

"What the hell?" Mae literally screamed.

"We thought there was a murderer or something!" a relieved-looking Ashton complained.

"No, I was just trying to wake sleepy head up!" I said back.

"Well, you might have to try once more because someone over in China is still asleep." Luke replied sarcastically.

"Haha, you should be a stand-up comedian" Michael said, matching Luke's sarcastic tone.

"Aw, well Lukey does try very hard!" Calum said in a baby voice, ruffling Luke's unstyled hair.

"Anyways, I'm going downstairs, I dunno about you lot!" Mae called as she wandered off.

Luke's P.O.V

I followed Mae downstairs to the kitchen, closely followed by Cal and Ash. Trailing on the end of the line was Mikey and Evie.

I grabbed a slice of toast from the plate Ashton had left when we hurried off.

"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" Calum asked as he munched on Ashton's other piece of toast.

"How about we go shopping?!" I suggested; I hadn't bought anything from the VANS store in nearly a month.

"Yeah!" Evie and Mae enthusiastically replied.

"Shopping it is then!" Ashton and Calum said in unison.

"JINX!" Ashton called out as Calum pouted. They were so childish; though I guess I'm no better to be honest.

"Ok, we are gonna head home to get ready! See ya in a bit!" Evie said.

"Bye! We'll pick you up in an hour so be ready for 12!" Ashton called as we all said our goodbyes, apart from Calum of course. They nodded as they slammed the door behind them.

I decided to head upstairs to get changed and ready so I wasn't rushing later. I had a really quick shower before getting dressed. I threw on a Nirvana t-shirt with my ripped black skinny jeans. I styled my hair in a simple quiff to see the boys playing Call of Duty.

I sat down on the other sofa and got out my phone. I opened up twitter; I hadn't tweeted in a while...

Just chilling... ;) I typed out quickly.

I then decided to check through my feed. I mentally noted down to ask Mae and Evie their twitter names so I could follow them.

By the time I had finished on twitter it was already 11:45! Twitter is so addictive man! I looked around for the other buys but they were no where to be seen. I figured that they had gone to get changed.

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