Imagine 74

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*before you judge me on the picture, just wait and read this. I like 5 SOS. Yes I said it. I do, and I don't care what people think. Do I get hurt when people harass me about liking them? Yes. I do. But I wouldn't be into the bands I like today if it wasn't for them and honestly if it wasn't for 5SOS my depression would be worse. They just helped me get out of it. Then I heard about Green Day (from 5SOS) and then Fall Out Boy. Soon it Panic! At the disco and Twenty One Pilots. Now I am slowly becoming un depressed. I..I'm slowly starting to be happy again. Do I have my moments? Yes. Anyway..Now off to the imagine*

"I can't do this anymore!" I yelled as I walked through the front door.

Jack; your boyfriend and Michael your little brother looked up at you. They were both sitting on the couch watching something on the TV.

"What's wrong love?" Jack asked.

"McKenna? Are you okay?" Michael asked.

"School! I'm done with it! I can't take it anymore!!" I yelled with anger. I honestly wasn't mad..just stressed.

You went over and sat beside Jack. You cuddled up in his side and took a deep breath.

"It's okay" Jack said and rubbed my shoulder to calm me down.

"No! It's not!" I sighed and stood up.

"Babe you need to calm down" Jack warned.

"I cant! Jack!" I snapped and went to your room.

Jack sighed and looked at Michael, who only shrugged.

"I'm gonna let her calm down before I go in..or else we will have a fight" Jack said softly.

"You guys fight?" Michael asked.

"Yeah hard to believe?" Jack sighed.

"Yeah, actually it is" Michael replied.

After a few minutes Jack went to see you. He walked in too your room, when he saw you had your headphones on and your textbooks everywhere.
Jack watched as you switched from History to Math and then to English. Jack sighed, he knew you had a big exam coming up and your little outburst was normal.

"McKenna" he said and closed the door behind him.

You looked up to see Jack standing there, his hands tucked into his pockets.

"Jack! I'm glad your up here!" I chirped.

Jack smiled softly and sat down beside you.
You looked at Jack with a smile that soon faded.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Jack what if I fail? What if I don't pass! Jack I'll fail the class! I can't fail! Jack! What if I forget everything?! Jack! My professor what if he doesn't show up and I have to wait another day for the test?! Jack no! I can't wait another day! What if someone cheats off of me! I can't have people do that!" I said as tears flooded my eyes.

Jack pulled you into a hug.

"Shhh babe calm down, it's okay. Just breathe" he said.

You pulled away from the hug.

"No I can't calm down I have to pass the test Jack! If I don't pass my money is wasted on this whole school year!" I began to shake as I continued to think of all the worst outcomes.

"Mckenna look at me!" Jack snapped.

You looked at him, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Jack tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. He gently ran his thumb across your cheek to wipe away the tears.

"Sweetheart, you need to calm down" he said softly.

"But-But" I sniffled.

"Love, just take a deep breath okay? I will help you study" he said.

"J-Jack.." I started but he cut me off with a kiss.

You deepened the kiss by pushing Jack back and crawling on top of him. Jack moaned quietly as his hands rested on your side.
All the worries you had seemed to have washed away. Your anxiety has disappeared, it felt like you've never had it.
Your hand raced up Jacks shirt, he pulled it off and threw it to the side.

"M-Michael is downstairs" I said breathless. I pulled away from his grip.

"Yeah.." He sighed and sat up.
I stood up and gave Jack his shirt back.

"Thank you" I said and looked down.

"For what?" Jack asked.

"For calming me down" I replied shyly.

"'s no big deal" Jack blushed.

You giggled softly and hugged him.

"Yeah it is to me" I said "now let's go see my baby brother, I kinda forgot to welcome him home from tour"

*This was made for mac10514
hope you like it. And yes I added Michael Clifford in there. He's meant to be your little brother, also hope you didn't mind that!*

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