Team Psychic

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You fall and pull what's on your face off and you see it's a Bunnelby. You look at it as it starts running away. "Hey! Come back!" You chase after it till it disappears behind a corner. Everything gets blurry and you feel a pain on your head. You wake up in a room and check for your pokeballs, their all there. You get up and go out a door. You look down the hallway and there are two ways to go, you go right. You see three doors, You go in the last one and it is a room with a P on them. Team Psychic uniforms. You run out and down the hall, threw a door and see and exit. You feel hands tight on your wrists and look behind you, a boy with a Team Psychic uniform on is grabbing ahold of your wrists. You tear up, "Let me go..." He smirks, "how about we have some fun instead?" You start struggling as he puts his head on top of your's. He pulls you back into the hallway and back to the room you got out of. He pushes you in and the door closes and bars come out of the doorframe and fall ti the ground, almost completely covering the door and makes a loud thud. You sit on the comfy bed that's in your prison cell, "surprisingly soft..." You lay on the bed and tear up, "I'm stuck in here...." You think of Shadow as you drift into a deep sleep. You wake up in a field, it seems slightly blurry and has a lot of flowers. You see Shadow, only he isn't blurry. You get up and hug him, "Hi Shadow!" He hugs you tightly, "Hello {YourName}" He kisses your forehead, you slightly blush and you go on tippy toes to kiss his cheek. He picks you up and kisses you on the lips, you have noticable blush on your face now. You kiss back and he licks your bottom lip. You notice his closed eyes and you close your eyes. You wake up in the Team Psychic prison cell. You blush slightly knowing what happened in your dream, do I want that to happen?... You shake away the thought and remember Ev and the others, "It's now or never." You take out your pokeballs, "Ev, King, Tackle! Sting, Twin Needle! Purrloin, Scrath!" You press the pokeballs' buttons and your pokemon come out, using the moves you told them to. You follow your Pokemon out and you come up to a gate, trying you best to climb it. Alakazams and Kadabras run to the gate by the time you get to the top. You jump down and fall on your knees, Besdrill helps you up and you start running with your pokemon. Team Psychic grunts are running after you, including the one that dragged you to the cell. You continue to run as they chase you, tearing up and scared out of your mind.

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