Don't forget me

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     After crying I stopped and wiped my eyes. Ty let me go and looked at me carefully.

     "Are you okay?" He pushed my hair out my face.

     "Yeah, I'm fine." I forced a smile. He was here, I couldn't believe it. I once loved him and I'd be lying if I said I didn't anymore. But he broke my heart and I'm not letting it happen again.

     "Hey Cecelia do you--" Holly came in and stopped once she saw us.

   I stood up and so did Ty.

     "Whose this?" Holly put a flirty smile towards Tyler.

     I rolled my eyes. "Ty this is Holly, Holly this is Tyler."

    "Nice to meet Tyler." Holly came closer.

    Tyler's eyes undressed my friend and smiled. "You too."

    I couldn't do this, I practically ran out the room. And out side to the front yard. I looked around, it was quiet, too quiet. I walked to the grass and layed down to look at the blue sky with clouds.

     "Mommy look! It looks like a bunny." I heard her voice next to me.

    I turned my head to see her. Her hair spread out from laying on the grass. Her green eyes looked at me and smile was on her lips.

     "Mim." I quietly said her name. I haven't said her name since..........

    "What do you see, mommy?" She looked up at the sky. Tears filled my eyes and slid down my cheeks.

    "You're not real." I whispered as more tears came. "You're not here."

   "Of course I am, mommy." Then she disappeared again.

    "Please, don't leave me." I sat up and noticed I wasn't alone. Someone was watching me. He was behind a tree.

     Who was he and why was he watching me? I got up and headed back inside. I took one look back and he was gone.

    I shook it off and headed to my fathers and mothers room. I still hadn't seen my father since I've been here. I opened the door and saw my father. Lying there, he looked so pale, his hair was dull and had a oxygen machine next to him. I hated seeing him like this. So helpless, so sick.

     "Dad." I walked up to him and his eyes fluttered open.

     "Cecelia?" His eyes were so lifeless.

    "Yeah, dad its me." I smiled.

     "Oh baby girl, how are you?" He smiled at me.

     "I'm fine, dad. I'm more worried about you." I frowned.

     "Don't be, baby girl. I'll be just fine." He coughed.

    "You've always been a bad lier." I smiled.

     "How old would she have been?" He smiled. I felt like he ripped out my heart and through it out the window.

      "Dad, please don't." I shook my head. Holding back the tears.

      "She was your daughter. You can't just push her memory away and act like she doesn't exist." He frowned. "I expected more from you."

      "Stop just stop." I whispered trying to push his words away.

      "Her death wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. She may be gone but she will always be in your heart."He frowned and a tear escaped his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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