Chapter 2

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"What is going on?" I ask as I'm put inside a bedroom. Nobody answers as they leave me alone.

I wait in silence until the door opens. A young girl steps in dressed in a white dress and black apron.

"Hello miss. I'm Natalia. I'm supposed to care for you," she gives me a low curtsy.

"Hello," I answer.

"You will need a bath and a new gown," she says as she looks me over.

I sigh. Gowns are not my favorite thing. I only wear them on special occasions. Well I used to wear them.

"Hurry and get in the bath. I'm sure the prince wants to meet you," she chirps.

I quickly undress and do as she says. Maybe if I can find out more about what is going on I can take back my kingdom. Just maybe.

The bath is warm and I quickly get comfortable. Natalia washes me and ribs scented oils on my skin. They smell delicious. Like cinnamon or some other spice.

"You are a very lucky young woman," Natalia mutters.

"Why?" I ask sweetly.

"Well it's not really my place to tell you," she exclaims.

"Natalia if you don't mind me asking, are you an Infinite?" I ask.

"No. I would never like to be one of them!" She seems taken aback.

"Oh. Do you know what happened with a maid named Brenda?" I say. Brenda was my maid when I was princess. She was also my best friend.

Natalia sucks in a breath. "Brenda was taken away after you left. She was executed for not giving more information on you to the king."

My chest clenches. The man who killed my father also killed my best friend. How much blood is on his hand?

I slowly get out of the tub and dry off. Natalia brings out a dark purple gown. I found that purple is the color of the Infinites.

I slip on the gown. It sweeps across the tile floor of the bathroom. The straps fall off to the sides of my arm and my back shows. I despise it.

Natalia puts makeup on me before deeming me cleaned up enough to meet the prince.

"Now you must behave yourself. Please don't do anything rash. I don't wish for you to die." She says softly.

"I won't. I promise. Thank you Natalia," I say.

"Anything for you Lady Ember." She curtsies.

A guard comes to escort me to a room. I enter the all to familiar throne room. Vladimer sits on the throne where my father once sat. I look over to what once was my throne to see Kile slouching in it. My face pales to see him there.

He looks up as the door shut behind me. Vladimer stares at me with hatred in his gaze.

"Bow," he says.

I stay standing. I straiten my posture and put a serious expression on my face.

"I said bow," Vladimer says again.

"I don't see why I should bow to the man who took my kingdom away from me and now sits where my father, the rightful king of this kingdom, once sat." I reply sternly.

His nostrils flare in anger and he stands. "You will regret ever saying that girl."

"Don't hurt her!" Kile growls from his place beside Vladimer.

"I won't. You have claimed her and it's against our ways to harm a claimed," he replies to grandson.

I look at Kile. His almost silver white hair gleams in the light. His black eyes stare at me with possessiveness but also some other emotion I can't quite read.

"What do you mean by claimed?" I ask suspiciously.

"You have been claimed by the prince to be his love. It's an honor and I hope you treat it as one," Vladimer says.

"I don't understand," I say.

"I have claimed you. It means I have a pull to you stronger than even love. That I have a sense of possessiveness to you. We are meant to be together,"Kile says standing. He walks towards me.

"I don't want this." I shake my head. This is not happening.

"I've claimed you. There's no backing out." Kile says. He takes my hands in his.

"No. I am not some object you can 'claim!'" I protest.

"My girl, would you rather marry the further king or die?" Vladimer sneers.

I act like I'm contemplating my choices. "I'd like to live." I say softly.

Kile smiles. He still grips my hands I realize and I tear them from his grasp.

"Now we need to do a few things. First there will need to be a public proposal. You will say yes or there will be consequences. Then we will need to plan a wedding. After the wedding you will have a private honeymoon. Lastly you will become the prince and princess before I die. Then Kile will become king," Vladimer says. "Is this understood?"

I swallow the retort in my throat. I slowly nod. If I can be in the castle I can figure out a way to take it back.

"Good. In a weeks time there will be a proposal. Until then you will be confined to your room unless Kile is with you," Vladimer ends the conversation with that.

"I'll take you back to your room," Kile says softly.

I nod. I can't even speak. This is too much to process. I hate that I'm stuck with this. At least I can plan a way to get my kingdom back. To take back my throne.

I'm released from my thoughts as I run straight into something hard.

"Lady Ember?" I look up. Adrian stares at me.

"Yes. It's me Adrian," I say. I give him a half smile.

"Do you know him?" Kile asks.

"Yes. He was my guard before," I say. I don't finish. Before you killed my father and took away my kingdom forcing me to run.

"Good." Kile takes me by the hand again and pulls me towards the room where I woke.

"Have a goodnight Ember. I was wondering if we could have dinner tomorrow?" Kile asks as I enter the room.

I know better than to decline. Also it would be a good way to get information out of him.

I give a sweet smile. "Of course. Now goodnight."

I shut the door. I just need to sleep and then I can figure out my plan.


Hey guys. I'm gone all weekend camping so I thought I would post a new chapter before I left. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading!

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