Chapter 8

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Most of the people will skip this because they don't give a shit about what I have to say and I don't blame them but I want to apologize for my inactivity! I have a lot going on in my life so please forgive me! I'm going to try to write after school everyday since school just started, if I don't have a ton of homework that is. But please enjoy the story!


I watched him as he cleaned the blood off of his knives on his jeans before setting them back in their place at the hidden spot on his waist

"Are you ok? Did they bite or scratch you anywhere?" he said grabbing and turning my arms over looking for scratches or bites.

"No, I'm fine. I should be asking you this!" I said, "You were the one who just took down 3 zombies by yourself."

"I'm fine, I grew up fighting, remember?" he chuckled, "Now let's go find the others before more start to come."

It took us a few minutes to finally find Dante, who was trying to fight off a few zombies himself. We helped him kill the last few, as he had taken done quite a few before we got there. Graham unwillingly did so, though. It is really bothering why he so reluctant when it comes to Dante, but he would never tell me why. He'd just lie about it and brush it of.

"It seems like a hoard of them is coming through from what your saying." Dante said after we told him what happened. 

"Yeah, we need to get moving out of this area. When we get back we need to tell the others that we need to start moving. I don't want any of them to get hurt." Graham said and I smiled at him, butterflies rising in my stomach as I stared at a few pieces of hair starting to fall into those perfect brown eyes.

"I agree. Let's get moving." Dante agreed walking in front of us leaving me a great view of Graham's chiseled back.


It took us a couple of minutes to find Ray, who had stumbles across a hunting shack. He told us that he hadn't entered it yet so he didn't know what was inside. He was just about to start heading back to get us when we came across him.

"What do you think is inside?" I asked, the thought just crossing my mind.

"Hopefully some weapons and maybe some water if we're lucky. We need more water if we plan to survive along with the weapons because at the moment we're kind of defenseless." Ray said stepping over a root.

"Yeah. You're right about that. The only thing we have is my M9." Dante agreed.

"It would suck if we ran into those guys we saw. They definitely wouldn't hesitate to kill you two." Graham blurted forgetting we didn't tell them about the people we ran into a while ago.

"What people?!" they both said at the same time pausing to look at them with a worried face.

"When we were going to find Ray, and you again, we ran into these soldiers. We hid behind trees to avoid them but they said that their leader needed me and Graham for something that they didn't know. They had really good weapons that they could demolish us with." I said purposely leaving out the part where they would most likely kill them and the others.

"Why didn't you tell me this, Graham?" Ray asked looking at his best friend with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Because we didn't want you or anyone else to worry." Graham answered with a smile.

"Come on Romeo and Juliet, we need to get back to camp before the sun gets to low to move." Dante said chuckling under his breath while I started giggling.

"Hold up! Who would be Juliet?" Ray asked while I just rolled my eyes and continued to move on with a smile plastered on my face before I heard a piercing scream come from the direction the camp was in.

I sped off in that direction not thinking of anyone else but that scream. I could recognize that scream from anywhere. It was Alice's.


It took me seconds to get there. I found Alice crying her eyes out as she sat in the middle of the clearing that we called our camp. Paige no where to be seen. Rebecca and Rachael were being laid up against a tree with blood running down the sides of their faces, clearly knocked out. Jade and Silvia didn't look as bad as Rachael or Rebecca but they were both bloody and filthy. "What the hell happened?! Are you guys okay?!" I said running to Alice as Graham, Ray, and Dante ran to the other four.

"A group of people just ran in here with their guns pointed at us like we were escaped prisoners or something." Jade said wincing as Ray touched her head before he whispered sorry to her and she let him continue, "We followed their orders to the nail and huddled in a group as they continued to point their guns at us. They almost looked like soldiers of some sort. They kept asking us where you and Graham were. There was no way in hell I was going to tell them that so I just said that I didn't know. After we all kept saying we didn't know, they slammed the buts of their guns into the heads of Rach and Becca. They tried to do it to the rest of us when me and Silvia both kicked the two away from us. Silvia grabbed the gun from the man who was about to get Alice but kicked her in the stomach. I tried to get the weapons from them but they were way stronger than I had anticipated and just shoved me to the ground."

"Then they decided it was a good idea to just start beating the shit out of Jade as she was down so I jumped in the way so they would stop beating her but they started to beat me and her up at the same time. Alice tried to stop them but she's to small against them so they just held her back while covering her mouth. We couldn't yell because we were gasping for breath. They started to stop and took Paige away while they just left us on the ground not moving out of pain, that's when Alice screamed. Our first priority was Rach and Becca when we were able to get up so we dragged them to the tree and that's when you guys got here." Silvia said explaining the rest of the story while Jade was being founded over by Ray.

I looked over at them and saw Dante checking both Rachael and Rebecca to see if they were alive and if they had any broken bones. Then he moved onto Jade and Silvia before Alice mumbled something which made us all look at her.

"What did you say, hun? I didn't hear you." I said hugging the crying child.

"This is all my fault." she said balling into my shoulders as I just embraced her, waiting for her to calm down so she could explain.


You guys are so awesome!! I reached 100 reads yesterday!! Thank you so much!! To be honest, I didn't think I was going to get that many and I want to thank you all so much for all your support! It keeps me writing! I hope you liked it!! It took me such a long time to write and I really hope you like how it's unfolding!

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Chaos out! ^^

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