Chapter 7

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(Graham's P.O.V)

I could just see around the bend of the tree when she grabbed my wrist to pull away from her mouth. I was scared she would yell out at me so I flipped her around so she was pushed up against the tree. My right hand was still over her mouth but my left had grabbed both of her wrists and put them against the tree above her head so she couldn't use them. We were only inches from each other's faces and her face flushed a bright red and her eyes had widened long before now. I wasn't going to do anything to her, trust me I would never, I like her to much to do anything like that.

Don't get me wrong sometimes I'm so close to my limit but somehow I get myself distracted by something else. Being this close to her makes me want to kiss her so bad but a snapping noise brought me out of it. My attention went back to around the bend of the tree once again. I didn't see anything at first, but then two men stepped into view. They were both fully armored with automatic rifles in their hands. 

From what it looked like, they were either military or trained in military. Their helmets guarded their faces so I couldn't get a good look at what they looked like.

"Are you sure they came this way? I don't see them anywhere."the one farthest from them said.

He had more of a higher pitch to his voice so I guessed he was pretty young, maybe around our age.

"Of course I'm sure. I'm never wrong. We've been following them for how long? For a few miles now?" the other said. He had a very deep and gruff voice. He was definitely way older than the other guy he was with. They both now stopped to continue the conversation.

"Yeah, your about right. That one girl almost spotted us though. What was her name? Rebecca or something? Anyways it doesn't matter. We could've lost which way they went since they all split up."

"No. That wouldn't happen. I swore I saw them go this way. The leader wants most of the group. We could get the others or kill some of them he didn't care. Most likely he would just kill some of them anyways if we brought them back so it doesn't really make sense to capture them."

"Yeah, but we don't know why he only wants these people. I mean what's so special about them? He never tells us that stuff. Doesn't that bother you? Aren't you curious?"

"Not one bit. He gives us the orders, it's our job to fulfill them, and that's what we do." 

"Well, I want to find out. And I'm going to." the younger one said continuing to walk right in front of the tree we were sitting behind.

"Oh no you won't. Not if i have anything to say about it." the older one said catching put to him, "I can not let you get hurt by that psychopath. I got you into the guard because of that. Now enough talking, it's time to do our job."

Then they walked out of my sight. I waited a few minutes before I let go of Mia and stood up.

"I'm sorry I grabbed you like that." I said holding out my hand to help her up, "It was totally out of line, I just couldn't risk you starting to yell at me."

"No I completely understand," she said taking my hand, "it just took me off guard that's all."

"Yeah I saw that. You basically allowed me to do that to you though. You need to put up more of a fight when something like that happens. There are still pigs in the world that would do that to beautiful, young girls like you." I said then mentally punched myself when I saw her face get red when I called her beautiful, "So whenever you want me to teach you some self-defense just ask."

"O-ok." she stuttered her face a cherry red, "But where are the others? What happened?"

"We went to get some wood, as you know, but as we were out we kept finding holes like this one. So when we put the wood we needed back at camp, we decided to go find out why there were holes all over and where they lead to. We were heading in the direction where the most holes were when we saw the same people that just came by. The same guns, the same armor, the same everything. So, we decided to spilt up to cover more ground. That's when I found you." I said looking at her; I saw her face start to return to normal.

"Do you know where they went?" Mia asked walking out into the clearing that the two men were walking through.

"Well we all went in three different directions so I think we could catch one of them before they get to far." I said heading the way to the point that I started from, "Just follow me."

We went a great portion of the way in silence. I couldn't think about anything that we could talk about. As I was thinking, Mia brought me back out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Graham?" she asked.


"Tell me some stories from when you were little." she said.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said chuckling.

"Maybe but I think your to chicken to do it." she said.

I looked back at her and saw her smiling, I couldn't help but smile back.

"Fine. But it's probably going to suck." I said continuing to walk with Mia at my heels, "Well, I remember when I was really young, probably when I was around 7 and Jade was around 6, there was this box of kittens. There were about 5 in the tiny box. I would always see them in the same spot as I walked home from school. The box said to just take one but no one ever did. Then, one day, when it was pouring out, I walked the same way that I always did to see if anyone took a kitten. As always no one did, but this time the box was starting to fall apart from the rain. The kittens were soaking wet and meowing for anyone to help them. I couldn't just leave them there to die, so, I scooped all 5 of them up and put them in my jacket so they could feel my body heat. I brought them home, bathed them in the sink, dried them off, and put them in my jacket where they soon fell asleep. I asked my dad if I could keep them and he let me."

"Whoa, your dad, the man that never lets you do anything, let you keep 5 kittens?" Mia asked giggling.

"Yeah, I know it even surprised me." I said chuckling.

"Wait, so Mijo, Sylvester, Kina, Diamond, and Kilo are all from then?" she asked with a dumbfounded face.

"Yep, they are all brothers and sisters, but Kina and Kilo are twins." I said, "I'm surprised you remember all their names."

"Of course, what friend wouldn't remember that?" she said smiling.

We have known each other since they were very little. We always made jokes, hung out, and had fun together. She was always there for me and I was always there for her. Of course I liked her! I mean who wouldn't?!

"We're coming up to the starting point." I said.

We started walking until Mia screamed out my name. I whirled around to see a few zombies surrounding her. I quickly went into action, grabbing the zombies attention as I ran towards them brandishing my hidden knife I kept near my waist. They stumbled their way towards me as I ran throwing my knife at the closest one. It slammed right between its eyes, going in far enough to slice the cerebral cord.

The body started to fall becoming a lifeless, but before that could happen I whirled around grabbing the knife between my middle and ring fingers forcing it out of its skull. I then brought out my other my knife in my other hand. I ran straight up to one of them and stabbed it straight into the brain through the temple. The last one that was there tried to come up behind me, but a groan warned me that it was coming from behind. Mia opened her mouth to warn me but before words could form out of her mouth, I slammed my knife up under his jaw causing its jaw to clench shut.

Its arms reached out for me, but I grabbed the knife from the other zombie and slammed it down from above onto its head. The arms fell and dead weight pulled down onto the knives. I pulled the knives out at the same time letting the body fall with a 'thump'.



ANYWHOOO, I am so honored that people actually are reading this and even voting for it! I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart! You all are probably hating me from all the cliffhangers, if this even counts as a cliffhanger. PLEASE DONT HATE ME!! ITS 1:03 IN THE MORNING RIGHT NOW, BUT SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK! I should probably head to bed tho so I can get back into a normal sleep schedule, but FUCK IT!

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Chaos out!~

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