Chapter IV: The Werewolves and Hybrids

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Now, here’s some werewolves insight.

Number 1: A werewolf’s bite is deadly to a vampire.

Number 2: A werewolf’s true form, activates in full moon.

Number 3: A werewolf under 16 cannot transform, and is not considered as a werewolf yet.

Number 4: Being a werewolf is hereditary, but it can also be acquired if a werewolf bites a human.

Number 5: Werewolves and Vampires do not like each other that much.

Number 6: Werewolves are hot headed by nature, so be careful not to provoke them.

Number 7: Werewolves are at their strong phase when its full  moon.

Number 8: A Werewolves pack is headed by an Alpha Male.

And Lastly: A werewolf is not powerless without the Full Moon, they are still intact with their abilities but they’re weaker in human form. They also can’t transform into a wolf without full moon, but an Alpha Male is an exception.

Now, Hybrids.

Number 1: Hybrids are a mix of Werewolves and Vampires.

Number 2: They are double our strength and double our speed on full moon, but we can defeat them by targeting their weakest point; their chest.

Number 3:  They cannot transform into a wolf and they are blood suckers.

Number 4: They can be bounded but they don’t want to.

Number 5: Their leader is named Michael.

Number 6: They can kill in just one strike, and once they get their hands on you they’ll crush you.

Number 7: They are also immortal.

And Lastly: When its not full moon, they are just as strong as a normal vampire. It is easier to defeat them when they are in this state.

Now, when you’re battling a werewolf, a vampire or even a hybrid. Keep these in mind.

Number 1: Don’t underestimate your enemy.

Number 2: Don’t let them get you, they’ll crush you.

Number 3: Avoid distractions.

Number 4: You’re now a vampire. You are incredibly fast and strong. Keep that in mind.

And Lastly: Never be intimidated.

“That’s pretty much what you need to know” –Sam

“That was a lot to take in.” –Abby

“I know.” –Sam

“By the way, if you want to read about the Vampire Laws, feel free to use the book in my room. I have a copy of our laws since my dad works for the Vampiric Minsistry.” -Sam

“Vampiric Ministry?” –Abby

“Its like a court.” –Sam

“I gotta go inside.” –Sam

“Oh! And one more thing! Jem is a Werewolf, the son of the Alpha Male to be exact. So beware.” –Sam

“Oh, thanks.” –Abby

“No Prob!” –Sam

“We’re heading to school. You could come with us if you like.” –Sam

“Yeah, sure.” –Abby

“HEY SNAILS! MOVE IT! We’ll be late!” –Jade

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