Chapter XI: The Day at the Lair

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“Jade and I got separated from you guys. We were caught in the flames and had nowhere to go. Jem was still there, we called him for help but instead, he decided to betray us. I knew from that moment that we were about to die, but we didn’t wanna quit. We tried to find another exit, and fortunately we found one. I managed to somehow escape but jade wasn’t as lucky as me. I got him out, but the damage has been done. He could no longer heal himself. He died shortly. I was about to meet the same fate, but Joselle helped me out. We trained together and she taught me how to be stronger than I already am.” –Sam

“Jem betrayed you? But he said you were dead when he saw you?” –Jjang

“Jjang, there are a lot of lies in the world. Clearly, you don’t use your senses.” –Sam

“What? I betrayed you?! That’s not true! And besides why were you hiding these past 3 months!? Huh?” –Jem

“Liar. I wasn’t hiding. I was cleaning up your mess. Clearly, your shitty plans are way out of control. If I didn’t clean up what you left behind in every attack. You might’ve been dead by now!” –Sam

“Cleaning up?” –Beatrice

“Yeah, we had to kill those hybrids that you missed. Clean up your tracks so they couldn’t find you and even throw away your furs, witchy crafts and even your scent.” –Sam

“So did Jem really betray you?” –Jjang

“Yeah.” –Sam

“That’s not true.  I did not betray them, I saw them dead! Maybe this is Michael’s Plan to destroy us!” –Jem

“Ugh. I don’t think so.” –Joselle

“Shut up, Bitch! I’m not talking to you!” –Jem

“What? Excuse me, but I’m not a bitch unlike females of your kind you filthy little rascals. Unlike you, a backstabbing, traitor, dishonest and unfaithful douche who run around like he can do anything, I am much better than you were, are and ever will be!” –Joselle

“Relax, Joselle. Well, as much as we’d love to stay in chat we have to go. We have something to attend to , so just leave the place when you guys are done reflecting at what happened that day.” –Sam

“Wait. You’re not staying?” –Zarah

“Of course not. I see that you trust your little doggy over there more than me. So, I think I have to do some thinks in my own way.” –Sam

“Wait. I’m coming with you.” –Abby

“Abby?” –Jjang

“Sam was my mentor. He taught me how to be a vampire.” –Abby

“As much as I like the idea of travelling with you, I have to refuse. Just so you guys know, I have discovered a new ability and that is to read people’s minds. Clearly, Abby’s thinking of spying onto us and report to you.” –Sam

“Won’t happen.” –Joselle

“So, if you may. We’ll go now. Let’s go Joselle. “  -Sam

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2011 ⏰

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