[S1] Episode Two

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[S1] Episode Two

j a z z l y n

I sighed as I finished writing some sports article

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I sighed as I finished writing some sports article. Sometimes, I want to quit my job but this is my dream. To be a sports writer is what I want since my dad took me to a basketball game and from that time, I've always wanted to be a sports writer because I find it fun. Up until now, I still find it the way I looked to it before but it's just super tiring that you just want to fall asleep at 4 a.m in the morning but you remembered that you'll have a meeting or catching up to do with your best friend.

Placing the papers that I'm going to submit to my boss later afternoon, I looked at my boyfriend, Brandon Ingram, as he sleeps quietly. He's a heavy sleeper and you'll just give up if you try to wake him up especially when it's the dawn. You can't wake him up until you do something that scares him off.

"I want to sleep, I'm sure that I'm going to wake up later because of Brandon out of the bed. Well hopefully," I mumbled as I sleep beside Brandon, not caring about the 9 a.m meeting later.

I'm too sleepy to even make myself a cup of coffee so whatever.


My phone was buzzing nonstop when I woke up. I yawned before getting my phone from the nightstand and seeing numerous of messages of the one and only Kamaria Bryant. THE FUDGE I FORGOT THE MEETING!

I took a quick glance on the clock and it says: 10:57 a.m. Oh my gosh I'm so doomed right here because as far as I know Kam doesn't like people to be late because she's so sensitive. Ever since I met her in college, even a little startle at her she'll get mad easily. That's why nobody dared to go near her because Kam can be very scary when she's so mad as hell.

I swiped my index finger across my phone to accept her call and the first one she said was, "Mi bondad, Jazzlyn! Ven aqui immediatamente, al igual que en este momento."

[TRANSLATION: My goodness, Jazzlyn! Come here immediately, like right now!]

Girl, that was in Spanish. Thankfully I can understand it because it was one of my minor subjects in college. I shook my head and answered her, "Si lo que sea. Just don't shout on the phone because it's breaking my eardrums and I'm sorry for being late."

[TRANSLATION: Yeah whatever.]


"Hola everyone! I'm Jazzlyn Huff and I am super tired as hell right now but I need to go to Kam's house because I know that she's going to give me super long speech about me being late to the time that we agreed on."


k a m a r i a

So Jazzlyn is late and I'll admit that I'm quite disappointed because of her but I'm here with Estienne because I invited her also but Jazz don't actually know

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So Jazzlyn is late and I'll admit that I'm quite disappointed because of her but I'm here with Estienne because I invited her also but Jazz don't actually know. But that won't be a problem because the three of us are cool with each other, just not with the "Queen WAGS" with Maria. It's that our relationship is very complicated.

Estienne is talking about her relationship with Jimmy Butler but I'm not really paying attention to it because I'm not the best person to talk about relationships. I don't really have a relationship, I am just known being the playgirl because I dated many professional athletes. But I really hope I can find the one, if ever.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I finished my paperwork and it got me until 4 a.m. So sorry," Jazzlyn said while panting. I could tell that she just ran all the way to my house because her and Brandon's house is just a few streets away from me.

Estienne became quiet and patted the seat next to her as Jazz came up to us. "No need to be sorry for, nina. Anyways, Tinne is going to say something here and I forgot to tell you that I was also going to invite her."



"Hola, Kam here! I'm the only cast here that has no bae but I know I can find one, I have charm and my flirt skills are amazing. Just don't talk about my humor, It's a crazy one but I'm okay with that because it makes me different... I think? Whatever, adios!"


e s t i e n n e

"What are you thinking, Estienne?" Kamaria asked me in disbelief as Jazzlyn continued her speech, "Yeah, are you sure with this whole dinner thing? Like, the dramas will be all over the place if it'll happen

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"What are you thinking, Estienne?" Kamaria asked me in disbelief as Jazzlyn continued her speech, "Yeah, are you sure with this whole dinner thing? Like, the dramas will be all over the place if it'll happen."

I smirked, "Of course I'm ready. Don't y'all want to have some fun?"

They became quiet and looked at each other. "Fine," Jazz agreed with Kam nodding her head.

I texted Jahlen immediately and after a few minutes, I received a message from her that says that they will go.

Tonight will be a fun night, I thought.

"Bonjour, everyone! I'm Estienne Jones, Butler's lovely girlfriend. That idea of me throwing a dinner is going to be the best and one of the highlights of my year. I've been waiting for this time because whenever that we're going to throw dinners, someone can't go because of the the tight schedule so I think this is the right time for us to go. Can't wait for tonight... for the drama."

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