Chapter 5.

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[Yo what's up welcome to chapter 5 enjoy!]

"So bro, do you wanna get something to eat on the way there or-"

"Gray, don't you bro me your penis was in my mouth less then 20 minutes ago." Natsu huffed.

"Oh yeah, um thanks for that I guess." I trailed off. Let's just say, Natsu was being a reeeaaally good friend back there.

"Well, what are best friends for?" He chirped back up to his bubbly self. I don't think that is what best friends are for. But the scariest part is,

I kinda liked it.

He was WAY better than Juvia 9/10 would recommend. He would get that extra point except..


Is this considered cheating? I mean it's not like we had sex or anything he just gave me a friendly blowjob.

"Natsu, we're here." I said. His eyes lit up as we got out of the car. "Wow it's so big!" He gaped. Yeah that's what you said about my d-

"Yep Lucy's house is pretty huge." I sweated. "Come on Gray! All the food's gonna be gone if you don't hurry up!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

The first thing you see when you walk into a huge house party full of emo's is pretty terrifying. Drinks being spilled, drugs, people pouring there heart out while awkwardly dancing, other people who are sucking faces or going all the way to tier 15.

"Wow I've never been to a party before!" Natsu's smile widened. "So, you finally made it! Oh! And you fancied up your boyfriend too! Nice one Gray!" Lucy said raising her drink.

"He's not my boyfriend-"


"HORAYY!" The crown yelled. These people I swear. "Gray, why are they calling me your boyfriend, I thought you were dating Juvia?" He asked tilting his head adorably. No. Stop.

"I am, but people can't get it through their thick skulls that I'm nOT GAY!!" I screamed. Natsu looked away. "Hey, I'm gonna go find Juvia, stay here, I'll be right back." I said patting his shoulder. He nodded and I turned to walk away.

I searched through the crowd for my blue headed girlfriend, but I couldn't seem to find her. "Ugh where is she?!" I sighed in annoyance. I grabbed a cup filled with most likely alcohol, and took a sip.

As I was drinking my drink, I continued my search for Juvia. I finally found her about an hour later, talking with Lyon. "Hey Juvia, how come you didn't call me when you got here?" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh I forgot." She said with that famous, expressionless, face. "Okay, but remember next time, I was starting to get a little worried." I huffed. I took another swig of my drink. "Hey, when did you paint your nails pink the only person I know who paints there nails pink is- HOLY FUCK NATSU!" I screamed. I totally forgot about him! He's probably worried and scared and helpless- oh my shit

"WOOOH!! HI GRAY ITS BEEN AWHILE!" Natsu shouted amongst the drinks. "Natsu.. Are you drunk?" I was surprised. "No! I'm Natsu, silly!" He giggled. Yep. Definitely drunk.

"Okay, which one of you dickbags gave him a drink?" I gave everyone around a glare. "Please, he asked for one. Plus, he's a ball of sunshine, who could say no to that?!" One girl with black and purple hair explained. I growled under my breath. I guess I'm supposed to be the mom tonight.

"Hey Natsu! I challenge you to a drinking contest!" Sting yelled. Everyone cheered. Sting was obviously drunk off his ass. Rogue was a little tipsy. "Hey, Natsu I don't think this is a good idea, you've never taken in alcohol right?" I said placing my hand on his shoulder from behind. "Nope!" He giggled.

Two pitchers were put in front of Sting and Natsu. Oh gosh I can't watch.

"3.. 2.. 1.. GO!" The crowd shouted. Natsu and Sting picked up their pitchers and started chugging. "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" The crowd screamed over the blaring music. Sting looked like he was going to pass out.

He dropped the pitcher half full of beer and himself to the ground. "Holy shit Sting." Rogue carried him to the couch. I looked over at Natsu and he slammed the empty pitcher on the table. What the hell?!

The crowd cheered and Natsu smiled while wiping his mouth. "Take that bitchezz!" He slurred. He was about to fall over, but I caught him. "Hey Gray *hic." Natsu hiccuped. Damn that was really adorable. No stop you have a girlfriend, and you. Are. Not. Gay. I need to do something about this because I can't like Natsu okay I'm dating Juvia.

"What?" I said standing him up straight. It was kind of impossible, so I let him lean on me. "I'm gonna throw up." He slurred again. Wait what. I dragged him to an empty bathroom and closed the door, locking it also.

He bent down and released whatever he just consumed into the toilet. I sat down next to him against the wall, and rubbed circles on his back. "I'm sorry Natsu, I should've kept a better eye on you." I sighed. He sat up and flushed the toilet. Then he turned around to face me, crisscrossing his legs.

"Hey, *hic Gray."

"What." I said rubbing around my eyes, because I didn't want to ruin my eyeliner. Natsu didn't say anything, but he crawled into my lap and leaned against my chest. I can't say I minded.

"Did you want to say anything or-"

"Have *hic you ever *hic kissed a boy? *hic." He said so casually. My heart stopped. Is he seriously pulling this? I mean, I know he's drunk, but does he want to?

"No." I answered running my fingers through his hair. What am I doing I'm just encouraging him. But his hair is so soft. But I have a girlfriend! I still love her! But sometimes, things just feel.. Different. Like I'm not kissing the same girl from 3 years ago.

"Do you want to?" Natsu slurred his words again. Do I want to? I mean, if I do, then I'd be officially cheating on her. But sometimes I ask myself.

Am I really still in love with her?
Ha cliffhanger bitches fight me. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter I kinda want to start writing the next chapter. Should I? I probably will.

But can we talk about how Natsu casually sucked Gray's dick in a friendly way?! Like Boi I'm getting mad at my out-of-character characters. Lol okay I'll see you all later!
Bye! <3

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