Wolf 26

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As we enter the club, the smell of alcohol filled the air and people grind each other in the dance floor.

I made my way to the counter as they took the table at the far end. A familiar man caught my sight as he sat beside me and stare into space. He look so distress and haggard so I poke his shoulder and smiled.

"Hey, you alone?" I said as I grab my drink.

"Sort of." He never look at me.

"Ohhh. I'm Jane by the way." I lied and held my hand and he take it.

"Dane, Dane Lovk." We shake hands.

"I would really like to hangout with you but maybe your girlfriend is out there and might misunderstood us." I grin.

"I-I-I don't have a girlfriend. She's dead." He said so low that you need to concentrate in order for humans to hear but I ain't a human so I clearly hear it but I act like I didn't.

"What? I didn't hear you." I lean closer to him and purposely touch my boobs in his arms.

Call me a slut or what but this guy is my target and I needed him to tell me the location of that jackass so I could retrieve what's mine.

I needed to seduced him and fall to me.

"Nothing." He look at my breast but then he put his gaze in his drink instantly.

"You know what. Let's have some fun." I stood up and grab his hand and pull him to the dance floor.

"Let's forget all our problems for tonight and be free!" I yell through the music. He just smirk.

This time, the remixed song of Selena Gomez 'Hands to Myself' filled the club.

I grab the his neck and I dance seductively while looking straight into his eyes. He doesn't move, just looking at me but not long he grab my waist and forcefully pull my body to him.

I still dance seductively, swaying my hips and turn around so my back is facing him. I bend over and grind his groin. He cuss and drag me to one of the rooms there. He closed and lock the door and kissed me torridly. His hands move in my waist to my breasts and squeeze it roughly. Heck, I wanna punch his face but I suck it all up and continue to seduce him.

He nibble my ear as his hands roamed around my body.

"Jane, Jane, my mate." He whisper in my ear as I felt a hot liquid in my shoulder.

Is he crying?

"So, her name is Jane, your mate." As I said it he snap his head and look at me sharply. "Poor girl, she died without knowing how an ass her mate was." Before he could say anything I quickly pull out a syringe and inject it in his neck.

He back away from me and shake his head.

"What did you do!? WHAT DID YOU DO!!!?" He yelled and attack me but I easily dodge it.

"You are one hell of a strong one but your no match for me." I said and kick his little junior. He fall down and crunch, he hold his little junior until he fell unconscious.



Hello fellas...

Here's the new chapter and it's kinda short but I will update tomorrow evening because I have to study today for my exam tomorrow.

Dane Lovk- The recent target of Kanisha in the RockMoon Pack and has a connection to the 'Jackass'.

Please vote, comment and follow me.


~joke time~

Girlfriend: Shall I give that tramp one of my cakes?

Boyfriend: Why, what harm has he ever done to you?

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