First day....not so bad.

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Hope you enjoy. Please tell me if any mistakes are made.
I woke up early in the morning so that I could get ready for my first day at collage. Am not to happy about that but my grandma thinks it would do me some good to be well educated and stuff. So I got up and went to take a hot shower for a good long 10minutes. Yeah I know it's not that long but my grandma would have came budging in and saying that am late so, I better make it quick. I finally finished and went to my wardrobe to get some clothes. I decided on wearing a tank top,denim jeans and sneakers. I than tied my hair up in a messy ponytail. I finally finished getting dressed than I began packing some clothes I would be needing because am not gonna stay there for a long time. The collage is close by so I can still come here if I wanted too.

I check if everything is well sorted and begin to do my makeup. I applied mascara,eyeliner and some color to my pale skin. I took one last glance at the mirror than went downstairs dragging my suite case with me. It was not easy but hey I did it. I made myself some breakfast which is cereal and ate while my grandma drank her tea. Now let me introduce myself. Am Raven Collins I live with my grandma Windy Greg. We live in a normal house. Am now turing 18 on the 5th of June while it's January here....lucky aren't i. So I bet you all must be wondering where are my parents and why didn't I mention them before? Well the thing is I don't know my mom,so am guessing she died when I was born and for my dad I have no clue to his wear abouts? But I do know him. I've seen him a couple of times...when he comes asking for money. I mean am at work and he has the nerve to come and ask me to lend him money he'll pay it back. And by that time he smells bad and looks like crap as always. Sometimes I wonder what my mom saw in him. His literally pathetic.

I know what you thinking. Why do I talk about him this way? Well that's easy because he let a gang member from his flipping gang to RAPE ME! What kind of father is he. ?!! But to be really honest he didn't rape me but he almost did but before he could I made a run for it. I was not giving up my virginity to some gang member HELL NO! That ain't me. So now  you have a picture of how my life is which is miserable. I don't have any friends because people thought I was the weird kid.? I mean I almost set the school on fire....almost. But thankfully i didn't ,than everybody found me weird and didn't even bother talking to me.? I don't know why cause am your average girl. Long black hair,electrifying blue eyes,red lips and pale skin. Some think am a vampire because of the pale skin. Talk about idiots!

I finish eating,give my grandma a hug goodbye and leave the house. I get to the place I work informing my boss that I might not make it this week. I get out and walk up to the door. As I enter I walk pass everyone quietly as I than bump into a hard chest causing me to stumble back and almost fall,until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my well shaped waist. I look up to the figure only to turn red as I am in the hands-no the arms of Adrien! This must be my lucky day!

"You should watch where your going next time." He said in the most dreamiest voice. He than begins to pull me in while helping me! He doesn't make an attempt to move his arms from where they are as he brings me closer.!! His piercing grey eyes star intensively into mine. Adrien is a childhood friend I grew up with he is the only person I trust and also my very closest friend. But the one problem is that I've always had a crush on him,since we were 11...and he was 12. His a year older than me,has short brown....dark brown hair,grey dreamy eyes,pinkish lips and the a enchanting voice! His also 5'5 feet tall while I am 5'1 feet tall. "So you leaving today?" He asks not leaving me or my eyes. I can barely speak when we are in this kind of position with a guy whose your crush.!
"Yeah.." Was all I was able to say in a low voice. Greet going Raven now his gonna think that your weird. I tell myself.

"Be safe. And always come back to visit." He said as he leaned in closer not leaving my eyes. I waiting for what's about to happen....which I was so excited about. Soon his lips brushed on mine. I being me , crush onto his lips pressing hardly on them as he just moans in lust which caused me to smile. We made out for a couple of minutes before we pulled away for some air. "Be safe princess." Adrien says before giving me a wink and walked away. Wow! That was so unexpected. I than placed a finger on my lips remembering the kiss we shared, the kiss I've always dreamed about. It finally happen,finally came to life.! This must be my lucky day.! I quickly run to the manger's office to go talk about the collage thing.

I finally arrived to the collage a bit late but it looks like am on time. I find a parking place and journey on to find the receptionist so I can get my dorm keys,schedule and some paper work too. After walking for 2hours I find it to also find a long line to the receptionist. Greet! I thought bitterly to myself as I stood at the line. It was I big room,had some lounges where people could chill,relax,talk or just sit. A vending machine, flat screen tv that was playing soccer,boring. Than on the far right corner there is a door that leads you to the toilets.

I stood there checking out the area until a chick with blonde hair,brown eyes,pinkish lips,fake tits and ass comes up to me with her chest out. Oh please I have a better looking chest than hers. I thought to myself. She had two girls following her with the same appearance. Uh....must be triplets. I thought to myself. They were the girls standing with a group of four hot guys. One had brown hair,ocean blue eyes,muscular body,tanned skin,pinkish lips. The other had dirty blonde hair,black eyes,muscular body,tanned skin as well as kissable lips. The other one had brownish hair with light brown highlights,blue eyes,muscular body,tanned skin and kissable lips. Last but least the guy had black hair,grey eyes but not like Adrien's they were more enchanting, a well built body,and tanned skin. He looked hot for short. His hair was messy making him look hotter than he is,his lips looking so good and his grey eyes as enchanting as ever.! This is so defiantly my lucky day!! I snapped back to reality when I felt something wet run down my shirt.

"What the flip! Why the hell you do that!" I said shouting at the bitch who had poured milkshake on my favourite tank top. Oh somebody's going to break some nails and it ain't gonna be me..bitch! I said to myself.

"Oops! I didn't see you there.?" She said as if she didn't see me. How dare she?!
"Yeah like I believe that crap!" I said as I began wiping it of my shirt.
"I said am sorry. Geez don't have to go crazy on me." She said as she threw the milkshake container on the floor and flood her arms on her chest while her friends did the same.

By now I was pissed. This is a true bitch,what kind of an apology has attitude in it? That's right none! This bitch better know her place or I'll help her out.
Than suddenly a guy with brown hair and ocean blue eyes came between me and this bitch! I was about to go all gorilla on her if he didn't.
"Hey,hey,guys lets not fight let's just forget about this misunderstanding." He said as he held up two arms to each of us preventing us from coming any closer.
"No! Let them fight!" The one with the dirty blonde hair and black eyes says as he stands near his friends. The one with the brown hair and ocean blue eyes shoots him a death glare before focusing on us again.

"Whatever." Was all that bitch said before walking of to the group of boys with her two minions following behind her as if they were lost puppies. I wonder how much she pays them? I ask myself feeling pity for the two girls. The guy with the brown hair and ocean blue eyes comes closer to me and stands right in front me.
"I am so sorry for what she did." He said with sincere eyes and tone.
"It's okay." I said as I sigh and begin wiping of some milkshake from my shirt.
"What's your name?" He asks.

"Am not going to tell you my name." I say as I go around him and pass by the group. The guy with the black her and grey eyes looks at me into my eyes and gives a small smirk. I quickly get into the bathroom and began washing off the milkshake.
Well my first day in collage was not all bad. It was okay I guess.

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