My roommate & I

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I came back to the reception room to find no one there. How long was I in the bathroom? I walked up to the receptionist to ask for my dorm key and etc..

"Hello. How can I help you?" She asked in a bored tone. Am guessing she's been doing this for a long time. Isn't she bored of it? The lady looked like she was in her early 50ties. She had faded brown hair,greenish eyes with eye begs underneath, wrinkled face,cracked lips which she hid with makeup. I couldn't tell how tall she is because she was sitting down.

"Um...I missed the person who was going to show us around. And I also need my dorm keys and the paper work too." I said with a smile. She then looked at me with the same bored expression and began typing on her computer.
"Name." She said looking at her computer screen.

"Raven Collins." I said with a smile while looking at her. She typed in my name and looked back at me with the same bored expression.

"Here is your dorm keys ,but first please fill in this paper work than I'll give you your schedule." She said as she handed me some paper work but not my dorm key.?
"What about my dorm key.?" I asked.

"Not happening until I get my papers back all filled in." She said making that annoying typing sound on the computer. What is she doing there.? I walked up to the lounging area and began to fill in the paper work. There were stupid questions there which made me think if it really was a collage? I finally finished and gave her back the paper work. She than began typing on her computer while I stood there and tapped on the table with me finger nails. They were not to long but I was able to annoy her by doing so. And I loved it! She finally finished and gave me my dorm key and schedule. It looks like am in room 233.

Well better hurry up before it gets darker. It was already late outside and I haven't checked the time. I went up some stairs than passed two corridors and another pair of stairs before I finally got to a door written room233 on top. I smiled at my self for finding it this quick and went inside. When I got in I found 7people in there. What the heck is going on in here.? I walked in and closed the door making them all look at me. It was the people from earlier today. One was laying flat down on the bed with his back, the other two guys were sitting on his bed while those three girls were sitting on some chairs and one was just coming out of the bathroom.

"Oh." Was all I could say. What were they doing in here? Don't they have to be in their room.

"Hey! It's you!" The guy with the dirty blonde hair and black eyes says, I roll my eyes as the guy with the brown hair and ocean blue eyes smacks him on the back of his head. He was the one lying down while the guy with the black hair and grey eyes was the one coming from the bathroom.

"Oh. Hey there. Are you lost?" The one with the brown hair and blue eyes says.

"No. This is the number on my dorm key so no I don't think so." I say as I fold my arms.

"Well than am Matt, your roommate.!" The one with brown hair and ocean blue eyes says with a warm smile.
I give a nod. In response.

"This guy with the blonde hair is Jake, the one with the brown hair is Cole and the guy over there is Zake." Matt said introducing his friends. They all wave a 'hello' my way but not Zake.?

"So guys I'll see you all at lunch." Matt says to his friends as they begin to leave. Jake turns to Matt and looks at me.
"Don't do anything I would do." He says with a grin before he walks out the room. Those three girls walk out as well while giving me a death glare. Bitches! Finally everyone is gone and am left with my roommate.

I walk up to my bed and collapse on it with my face on my pillow.
"So I didn't get your name?" Matt says as he looks at me. I turn to face him.

"My name is Raven." I say before I get up and take a shower. I really need one. I get into the bathroom and find it okay. It has a shower,basin,toilet and bath. The walls painted a cream color as the floor had cream tiles. I undress myself and enter the shower. I take my time with the shower not rushing myself. I finally finish and wrap my body with a towel. I get out of the bathroom and find Matt laying on his bed while fiddling with his phone. He than looks up at me and stars at my chest. Pervet.! I walk up to my bed as he still stars at me.

"What?!" I say as I turn to face him getting tired of him staring at me.

"You don't come here with a suite case or any clothes and than take a shower.?" He says as a smirk appears on his face. Damn it! His right I forgot to fetch it. He than sees my change of expression and began to laugh. I look at him as he's drowning in his own laugher. I take my pillow and throw it in his face, which caught his attention. I than began laughing at him. He than got up and stood right in front of me causing me to inhale is glorious scent. It smelled like scent candles. Mmh...yummy. He than placed his hands on my waist as we stared intensively into each other's eyes. I placed a hand on his board chest as I began to step back,only to fall on top of my bed causing Matt to fall on top of me. Great going Raven! Sense the sarcasm.?

His hands either side of my waist as his lips only inches away from mine, our body's pressed to each other,my hands on his board chest, some of his locks fell on his forehead making him look hot. Our eye locked with each other. Wow! This is so not how I imagined my first day at collage and my roommate. But I liked it.! He leaned in closer as I closed my eyes slowly waiting for his lips to be on mine. They finally touched my lips which felt good. He than pulled away to look at me in the eyes.

"You are beautiful." Was all he said before crushing down to my lips with force so passionate. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I grunted. Our tongues dance with each other.

This is not how I imagined my first day in collage but I like this one so much better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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