Chapter One- Edited.

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So this was originally being edited, but I've decided I'm just going to re-write the whole thing. I'm embarrassed to say I wrote this, even if it was a couple years
ago, and I'm going to write the whole thing again. It's already started to be edited from before, but I didn't like how I wrote that either. It won't be for a few months, probably more as I have work and I'm quite busy, but I'm determined to finish the re-write.
It's going to replace the chapters already up, and I'll say when it's going to happen.

But for now just ignore the crappiness of the book if you read it, I was like 15 when I did it and decided to post it later on.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. If you don't like this story, or you like this story, I have another book thats up on here, it's restricted and pretty gruesome, not your happy love story either. If you could check that out then I would apreciate it loads. Thanks! It's called Killing For Your Love, and the title says it all really, only it's not a happy ending, I guess.

''You're pregnant.''

Those were the words that changed Lauren's life. She didn't know if having a baby was going to be a good or bad turning point in her life, but she knew one thing for sure, and that was that she wasn't going to be one of them mothers who left their children and neglected them.

Just like her mum did.

Well, it wasn't just her mum, it was her dad too. Ever since she could remember, her parents have never been there, not for her or her older brother Liam.

And due to their carelessness, Liam was in prison. Because of them, she had never lived the proper childhood she should have. She and her brother were forced to grow up early, provide for themselves and fight to stay alive. It wasn't a lavish lifestyle they lived, her and Liam, but they didn't care. As long as they stayed together they were fine. And it was fine, until Liam got put away.

She squeezed her eyes shut in silent pain, she missed her brother dearly and just the thought of him being locked up where he didn't deserve to be caused her a huge amount of pain and guilt. Lauren didn't even want to think about it, the pain was unwelcome and she had bigger things to worry about at the moment, she couldn't deal with the thought of her brother's absence.

''Are you Ok, Lauren?'' The nurse asked in concern, and it was only then Lauren realised she was still sat in the nurses room on the bed. She felt a stinging sensation in the palm of her hands and she looked down to realize her hands were now scrunched up into tight fists, and when she opened up to show her palms, they had four crescent size marks lined with blood indenting them.

She quickly hid her palms from the nurses sight and breathed in a very welcome lung full of air.

''Fine, j-just this is unexpected is all.'' She sighed, and the nurse nodded before going on about pregnancy. Lauren knew she should have listened, considering she didn't know a thing about being pregnant, but she couldn't.

Just thinking about the father made her internally wince.

Lauren was two months pregnant, and two months ago was when her parents died. Being there when they died made Lauren a suspect and she had enough of the police drilling her with questions that she needed to relax, so she went to get drunk.

And drunk she got.

She had gotten so drunk that she had left the bar with a man, one who she couldn't even remember, and she had slept with him.

Now Lauren wasn't a a girl who slept around, nor was she someone who went and got drunk then left with men she didn't even know. In fact, Lauren was a virgin. She had woken up the next morning with only recollections of the night previous, before she hightailed it out of the expensive, lavish hotel. Feeling cheap and dirty she rushed home before she then had a ton of pressure put on her with her parent's death. The night she had with that one stranger forgotten, unhelpful, but certainly one experience she would not leave behind.

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now