Chapter Two- Edited.

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That morning when Lauren woke up she was in a wonderful mood. The night before she had dreamt about her being pregnant, bump and all, and also having a little girl. If she was being honest, a little girl would be wonderful but she wouldn't care if it was a boy or girl, as long as her little baby was healthy was all that mattered.

After an hour of her time being spent over the toilet bowl with the dreaded morning sickness she had been experiencing for the past week, Lauren showered and got ready to go out. And after grabbing her purse and chucking her shoes on she left.

She decided she was going to go to the book store for her baby books and then figure something else to do after. Lauren remembered she would have to go to college soon too, or at least ring them up as she'd have to figure something out as she now had a baby on the way. She knew she had about a year left, and if she was lucky she could finish the course before the baby was born with a little extra hard work.

As Lauren entered the small, cozy book store that was part cafe, a familiar dog came running to her feet. She bent down, a little confused as she pet the small animal.

''Rupert! What have I told yo- Oh hello, it's good to see you again!'' A cheerful old voice called and Lauren looked up to see the lady from yesterday, the one who sat down on the bench next to her.

''H-Hi.'' Lauren stuttered as the old lady shooed the dog away and led Lauren into the cafe area. 

''So, what are you doing here? Oh they odds, ey?'' She chuckled as she pulled a seat out for Lauren and urged her into it. 

''I'm here to buy some baby books.'' Lauren replied, smiling sheepishly up at the old woman. She hated the fact that she didn't know much about babies and had to sought to books for the knowledge.

''Oh that's Ok dear. I'll get them for you, you just sit tight. Would you like a drink?'' She asked and Lauren felt her heart clench as the old lady reminded her of her grandmother. Lauren rarely ever saw her when she was little, but when she did and the the frail old woman would visit, albeit it was very rare, she would fuss over Lauren as much as she could. That was until she died a few years ago.

''Yes please, can I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles?'' Lauren asked politely as she quickly scanned the menu.

''Sure, coming right up hunny.'' The lady replied, and Lauren watched her as she went to the till to talk to someone before going off into the library section of the shop.

Five minutes later a steaming cup of hot chocolate was place in front of Lauren, along with a few baby books.

The old lady placed her own drink in front of Lauren's and sat down in the chair opposite. Lauren welcomed the company, as she had been on her own for the past two months more than usual.

''I suppose I best say my names Carol shouldn't I? I can't believe I forgot my manners.'' The old lady started with a small laugh as she smiled at Lauren.

''It's fine.'' Lauren smiled back. ''I'm Lauren.''

''Lovely name. So...'' And with introductions done, Lauren and Carol talked for over two hours. They talked about pregnancy, babies, college, work and just life in general. 

Lauren had told Carol how her parents had died two months ago and when Carol offered condolences, Lauren told her not to bother as it hasn't even affected her that much. Although, Lauren never told her how they were actually murdered or the reason behind it either. Carol then went on to tell her about her sons, and how she always wanted a little girl but never had the chance because she came victim to cervical cancer. 

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now