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She hadn't left the house in weeks other than to the hospital for check-ups or scans as well as an appointment with the counsellor once a week, even then she would go out with Liam and not leave his side. Whenever he left the house for business she would sit in her room and cry sometimes, or other times she would sit in the living room with a knife right by her side and in her reach. He hated when he had to leave her on her own but he didn't know what to do.

Some people would have called her stupid for acting that way, but others would understand that what happened that night had triggered something in Lauren and she had become extremely anxious of the outside world. 

With a punctured lung, a couple broken ribs and nose, a few staples for the gash in the back of her head and severe bruising, she had to stay in hospital for a couple weeks before she could even think about going home. 

When Sebastian and Liam had entered the room, Lauren was asleep and they sat by her side holding a hand of hers each in their own. It was silent until Lauren woke up, they had asked her about what happened and informed her that her baby was doing well, even though it could be in better shape, before she broke down and became hysterical. Nurses and doctors had to sedate her and soon her room was plunged into silence once again. 

When Lauren had revealed the place where she was beaten, both boys immediately knew who did it. He was a part of the gang and hung around in that alley doing drug deals and mugging people who walked through. 

She hadn't seen Sebastian since. 

From her brothers words though, she knew that no one would ever get mugged again by that man in the alley again. She felt relieved when he had told her that just a week ago, felt like she could finally breathe properly again for the first time since the attack. Lauren still hadn't gone out though on her own, or even thought about going out to work for the weekends like she had planned. Collage was out of the question too and she had gone to see the counsellor about her work effort.

Because of her position she was now in, they had let her do her work at home but had to go back as soon as she was in a well enough state. 

The only thing Lauren really looked forward to now was the scans she had for her baby, she was nineteen weeks in a couple days and she could hopefully find out the gender. Because of what happened, they had started to take weekly scans of her baby for a month, and then it became every other week when her baby became as healthy as they hoped.

It was now the size of a mango and Lauren made sure to keep reading her books, sometimes sending Liam out to go get her a couple more. She had grown increasingly in weight and gained just over eight pounds and her bump was slowly getting bigger over time. As well as her growing bump, she grew alarmingly anxious for her baby. She was worried that she wasn't going to be a good mother and her baby wouldn't grow to be a happy child. When Liam found Lauren crying, he would sit with her for ages until she calmed down.

''Lauren I'm going out now, you going to be alright?'' Liam asked her gently, bringing his head around the door to the kitchen and looking in. His sister was sat on a stool writing a list he didn't know what about, he just knew she had been sat there for hours writing it. 

When Lauren heard him say that, her heart started beating slightly faster. It wasn't as bad as it used to be, it was just a little over a not normal pace. She kept her face neutral though when she looked over at her brother, knowing if she slowed the slightest hint of anything else he would try and stay home, even though they both know he couldn't.

''Yeah I’ll be fine.'' She smiled slightly at him and went back to looking down at her list. Lauren's brows furrowed when she read over it, wondering if she had forgotten something. 

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now