Chapter 1

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hello everyone this is the two authors of 17Black SIX YEARS later!! wow this story grew in ways we never imagined while writing and we wanted to make a disclaimer from our future, more educated selves!! 

We wrote this when we were 14 and had a lot of incorrect approached to depicting homosexuality and some of them are problematic as we're rereading parts of the fic. We are in college now and don't have time to edit the entire novel, but we're making this note to clarify that the way we wrote sexual orientation in this is not healthy nor accurate. The characters explain their sexuality as resulting from events in their life, or even as exceptions to otherwise being straight. Please read this through the lease of understanding that sexual orientation isn't conditional and that, while we tried walking the line of harry's "I'm not gay" plot line, we tripped on more than a few occasions. 

We hope you'll still enjoy the work we created so very long ago and we can only wish it will bring you happiness and joy.

-Our identities will be anonymous forever and ever but our love is not xx

((Warning: Explicit Content))

Smoke billows from the large machines hidden under the stage, allowing the flashing lights a place to show off. Reds, greens, blues, and yellows dance on the puffs of water vapor, adding to the appearance of the stage. The smoke itself is harmless, it being nothing more than evaporated water particles. Not that the audience cares, of course. Even from backstage I can spot a few of them with cigarettes balance between their lips.

I nervously adjust my tie; for some reason I always get that sudden jolt of nervousness right before going out to perform. That's just the usual, though, something that I'm accustomed to. Like the first day at school after a long, lonesome summer. It's nothing potentially harmful, just that little flutter of nerves in my stomach.

After pulling my suit jacket tighter around my chest I hear my cue: the low bass and the crowd's loud cheering.

"Alright Harry, it's now or never." One of the guys standing beside me gives me a weird look for talking to myself but I don't care. All I can focus on is the crowd chanting my name, the roaring speakers, the way the music seeps into my veins and I can instantly feel my mood lighten, my shoulders relaxing. This I can deal with. My own personal drug.

We assemble out of the large opening that leads onto the stage and outlooks the crowd, the feminine shrieks now even more evident than they were backstage. They love this. And I love that they love me.

I position into my designated place, picking up the suitcase at my feet and bowing my head.

Then the real fun begins.

"Are you ladies ready?!" booms a loud voice, igniting the crowd into even higher and louder shrieks. My ears would be complaining if I only wasn't used to the volume.

I can do the next part with my eyes closed. Spread legs, crouch down, open suitcase. All in a robotic manner.

Pull out umbrella. Stand up. Kick suitcase to the left. Keep to the beat.

Advance forward. Open umbrella. Hold over head. Just in time for the sprinklers to begin spewing.

It's loud, from both the crowd's screams of approval and the loud music. My drug amplified out of control. The voice coming from the speakers is even louder.

"Sorry to get you wet ladies!" A few of them laugh at the joke. It's a terrible joke. 

The majority of them are focused on our dancing though, which has now taken a sudden turn.

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