Chapter 64

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Harry's POV:

Why. Does. This. Keep. Happening.

You'd think that a man would only have to go through one woman in labor - his wife giving birth to their child. I thought that I got out of that when I discovered the fact that I like guys. Guys don't give birth. So I wouldn't have to be with anyone in labor.

Wrong. This is my second experience in nearly a month. I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time, I suppose.

At least this birthing seems to be going okay. There's no blood, and I'm not complaining.

The only thing potentially harmful is Angela's grip on my arm. I'm starting to loose feeling in my hand due to loss of blood and I'm mentally rushing the doctors to get here.

Louis stands in the doorway, probably confused with his place here. He certainly won't want to help Angela like I am, but he has a bigger place than I do.

I'm not helping his mom because I like her. I don't. But when there's a woman going into labor in front of you you don't just watch.

The group of medics show up just as I completely loose feeling in my arm. She's helped onto a gurney that is wheeled down the hallway in a blur.

It all happens so fast that I'm still in the same position when they disappear from sight, Angela's screams still audible. Louis and I share a hesitant glance.

"Well that was fun," I gasp, setting my hands on my hips and wondering why I'm always the one assisting births. Louis blinks as if he's trying to wake up from a dream.

"I just made my mother go into labor," he says dazidly. Right now it's easy to pretend that his mom never showed up, minus the spot on the floor.

"It's just stress, Lou, and a month early isn't anything that they can't handle. If anything you just saved her from a month of morning sicknesses." I crane my head so that I can see in Will's room. He's calling to Louis, desperately trying to escape the machines and tubes that bound him to the bed. There's no tube down his throat, just two inserts in his nose.

Louis enters the room, and I follow. Aaron stands beside Will's bed, offering him soothing words to calm him down.

"What the hell happened? Is she okay?" Will directs his questions at Louis, but I can tell that he wouldn't mind me answering. His voice is raspy, and he coughs to clear it.

"She's going to be fine," I offer, and it stops his squirming a bit. His face is red from thrashing against Aaron and I'm glad to see that he's getting oxygen.

Will looks at me then, and it's like he's finally seeing me for the first time. His eyes widen and I can see tears brewing in the corners of his eyes. He blinks them away.

"Harry," he acknowledges, giving me a nod. I hope he doesn't start acting like he owes me something.

I only smile back.

"Is that guy okay?" Will's voice is quiet as he asks. The scratchiness is back.

I know without asking that he's referring to the man he ran into the fire for. The random person hasn't passed my mind since now. I frown.

"I don't know." I wish I had a better answer for him. He deserves it. He deserves way better than a tube down his throat and two nights in an unfamiliar hospital bed.

Aaron sits down on the edge of Will's bed and hangs his head.

"I know. I went inside last night when I couldn't sleep and looked into it." I raise an eyebrow expectantly, already anticipating the answer. The air is filled with the heaviness of bad news, that feeling that you get when Death is around.

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