Chapter 40

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Harry's POV:

I don't know what came over me as we arrive at Louis' apartment - we had stopped by penthouse first but the heating was out so after grabbing a few drinks we decided to spend the night here. He shuts the door behind us and I latch myself onto him, my mouth pressed harshly against his. I want nothing more than to forget everything and surround myself in the mess that is Louis. I can tell something is bothering him too, though I don't ask because that would mean breaking the kiss.

I slide my tongue into his mouth and he responds by fisting my hair roughly between his fingers. I lay my hands on his neck and then immediately yank away from him.

It's hard to read his expression. "My hands..." I look down at my bloody hands, the blood now dried to hard flakes. I shiver at the memory of Mary practically screaming bloody murder. The glass in her hand shattered with the amount of pressure she was grasping it with, the tabletop creaking and slanting as she fell out of the stool.

I shake my head as if to clear it of the memory. I go to Louis' sink and thoroughly indulge my hands in his flowery smelling soap. I scrub until every trace of Mary's blood is gone from my skin. I scrub until the memory is gone. I scrub until my skin is raw. I scrub until Louis turns the water off and physically pries my hands away from each other.

"I want you," I murmur, my eyes drooping and a drunken state taking over me even though I haven't had a drop of alcohol.

Louis puts his hand on my chin and tilts my head down until I'm looking him in the eyes.

"What?" I frown.

"You were jealous of how I was looking at Mary... But I only want you Louis." He smiles and leans up to kiss me on the lips. I sigh lazily as he draws away.

I lay my hand on the nape of his neck and pull him to me again, only this time much harder. He gasps in surprise but I only use the opening to run my tongue against his.

I lay my hand on his hip bone and pull his shirt up a little bit. He has to step back with the amount of intensity I'm kissing him with, and I only lean further into his lips. Louis' back hits the table and I set him on top of it by my hands on the back of his thighs.

I suck on his bottom lip before pulling away from him, laying my forehead against his. Our breathing is coming out in deep pants and gasps, and I'm content with the intimacy between our eyes.

"Can you hand me the bottle?" Louis breathes as I trace little circles in the exposed skin on his side.

I nod and move from between his legs to take the bottle of alcohol from my overnight bag. I pop the top and hand it to him, smiling as he brings the glass to his lips and takes a deep swallow.

"Man," he says as he closes his eyes and runs his fingers through his hair, "I plan on getting shit faced drunk tonight."

Louis' POV:

I wake up under a thin layer of blankets. It takes me a split moment to realize that I'm not wearing any clothes. I pull the blankets further up my chest and sigh into the pillow. It smells familiar... the smell of sandalwood soap mixed with a spring-time smelling laundry detergent, and the faint trace of leather... Harry.

I try opening my eyes but a sharp pain shoots through my head. "Harry?" I dazedly feel around the small mattress.

He's not in bed with me. I call for him again, and, despite the pain, open my eyes. The bedsheets on the windows prevent most of the light outside from entering but it still takes me a minute to allow my eyes to adjust.

"Harry? What are you doing?" I ask once I see him leaning against the counter. Why didn't he answer me?

He doesn't respond and it's like he doesn't even see me. He's staring at the floor but I can tell that he isn't seeing much of anything, too lost in thought.

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