Chapter 2!

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(AN) no one is really reading this so i thought about giving up, i'm not cause i actually like where this going (: enjoy

      Derek is so perfect. I bet he isn't single. I bet when he goes to school girls just circle around him to admire his beauty because I would. I mean just looking makes my mouth water a tad bit.

"You like Sleeping With Sirens too?" , I said looking at his shirt I have the exact same one.

He smiled and looked down at his shirt. "Yeah. I do actually! Kellin Quinn is so damn amazing and talented!"

I couldn't help but to laugh he was so cute especially when he smile with those cute dimples he has. "Hell yeah he is! I'd bang that any day." It got quiet for a second until we both burst into laughter. I was laughing so hard I fell back on the bed.

"You're right I'd bang that too!", he said. We talked more and more about SWS and other bands. Sometimes when we were talking he would stop in the middle of a sentence and stare at me and I would do the same right back, but with he stared at me it was like he was looking into my soul trying to find something in particular and I would always break the gaze and think of something else to talk about.

"So where are you from?", he asked.

"Mississippi. You?" , I replied back. I wonder if live like a state near or something. Maybe just maybe.

"California.", he said with a little sigh. I sighed a little as well. We were so far apart and becoming good friends.

I chuckled a bit, "No wonder why you're so attractive! Mostly all Californians are attractive!" he looked at me like I was a mad women.

"I am most definitely not attractive. Everyone else maybe, but me I'm a potato.", he said. I wanted to punch him so soft because if I punch him too hard I'll mess up his face. I don't know why he doesn't see how sexy cute beautiful fine and hot he is!

"HEEEY! I'm the potato here! When guys walk past me they're like is that a walking potato? I'm like nooo I'm a talking and walking potato!", I laughed at that and so did he. He asked me more questions and so did I it was fun. It was better that sitting up alone and bored half to death. I started to yawn and I dared to look at the alarm clocked it was at least 1 something am, but when I looked it said 2:45.

"It's been that long!?", I thought well I must've said it out louder cause he was like what?

"What time is there?", he asked. I told him the time and he joke and asked if it was past my bedtime. Even though it's the weekend. Ha!

While he was explaining the concept of why the sky was blue he was really smart. That made him even more attractive! I just stared at this most beautiful boy I've ever seen in my life. He was all you can ask for in a guy. I was very interested in him, but look at me I'm far from what he needs. I'm to ugly to function. Even if I did like him and tell him I did he would only friend zone me like all the others. I had almost forgot he was explaining something and I was stuck in my little world after he explained I smiled and nodded and he chuckled. I heard a muffle of yelling in the background and he jumped a little.

"What was that?, I asked. Then I heard stomping soon Derek cam shut off and he logged out. Wtf I thought. I started to worry and stress out a little. What if someone was in the house is what worried me that most. Even if he was thousands of miles away I felt that we had a little bond so I was worried about my friend. I remembered he kiked me first so I quickly grabbed my phone and text him to see if he was okay. No response.

I was panicking real bad now. What if they had a little power shortage and everything was fine and dandy.

I smile, "Yeah everything is fine. He's fine" I laugh at that because he was indeed fine. Soon he kik me back that his computer was acting weird and he won't be to Skype for awhile. It made me sad but it happens. I told it was fine and we began to talk some more and joke around some. This is probably the only time I've smile this wide because of someone. He made me feel special and I was totes jelly of all the people that get to see he everyday. It was soon 3 am and I getting so tired, but I didn't want to stop talking to him.

"Heeyy I'm getting sweepiee!", I said. I really was sometimes I nearly knew what I was typing half the time.

"Awwe! Go get some sleep I'm tired as well we'll talking in morning. Goodnight princess.", he said. That gave me little butterflies that made giggle and laugh and made a little excited, but I still need sleep.

"Goodnight Derek.", I replied and after that I was knocked out cold, but with a smile on my face.

      I woke up with a smile on my face just thinking of his name he was so perfect in so many ways to count and no not just looks his looks are a bonus what matters on the inside counts. I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face and brush my teeth I didn't have to brush my hair it was the weekend who was I going to get all pretty for? No one my point exactly. I hopped down the stairs I was actually pretty darn happy. I reached in the cabinet and got a box of honey nut cheriros and began eating I heard SpongeBob on in the living room knowing it was Blake that was watching it. I grabbed my bowl, but careful not to spill anything. Once I was on the couch while Blake was on the floor in his onesie he was so cute. I ate the rest of my cereal and asked Blake if he wanted anything he said no. Well, not yet at least. I got to dump my bowl in the sink and ran upstairs and grabbed my phone and saw I had a Kik message from Derek I smiled and opened it.

"Good morning beautiful hope you have a awesome morning like I did." That made me smile the biggest and I replied with a smiley face and told him good morning as well. Today is probably one of the best days of my life right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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