First sight

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Xiumin's POV

I'm very excited ! My first official piano lessons starts today. Well, I've already learn the basics so I'm pretty sure I can master them quickly.

'Annyeonghaseyo' I said with a bow.

'Annyeonghaseyo. Are you Kim Min Suk-ssi ?' he replied.

'Ne, Xiumin. Please, just call me Xiumin' I said. Maybe he is Park Kwang Myun that my dad was talking about.

'Welcome, Xiumin-ssi. Mr. Park Kwang Myun is waiting for you inside'

Ahhhh, he is not him. My bad -.-

The man lead the way to a room. From there, I can see a piano in a room next door.

'Waahhh, that piano is beautiful. I wish I can play with that' I speak in my mind.


'Kim Min Suk-ssi ?' He said.

'Ne, Xiumin. Just call me Xiumin sir' I said after a slight bow. Maybe he is the one.

'Arasso, I'm Park Kwang Myun and I'm going to give you piano lessons starting today'

Bingo ! I'm correct this time !

'Ne, thank you for willing to teach me' i said. He smiled.

'Shall we start ?' He asked and I nooded. He lead the way to the piano I saw earlier.

'Dreams do come true'

End of POV

'You do know the basics right ?' Kwang Myun asked him.

'I do. Maybe its a little funny for you, but I learn the basics through my iPad. But, I've also play with a real piano a few times. Just not this big' Xiumin said.

'You mean the one that required electricity ?'

'Ne, Sir' he replied. Kwang Myun smiled.

'That is not a piano, Xiumin. That's a keyboard' he said.

Xiumin was embarrassed for sure. So, he just smile in return.

'Before we start, why do you want to learn to play piano Xiumin ?'

'Because I want to be a pianist, Sir. For me, a pianist is an amazing person. Because they can touch people's feeling by the notes, without even need to talk' he said.

Kwang Myun remain silent.

'I'm suffering for a heart-failure sir. I want to see the crowd expression when I played my song

in front of them.I want to touch their feeling and tell them my story' he said honestly.

'Will you help me sir ?'

Kwang Myun smiled.

'Definitely. But I'm quite a strict person, is it okay for you ?'

'Ne, thank you Sir' he replied with a wide smile.

'Good, now lets begin'


Yoo Young's POV

I've lost my smile, thats for sure. I'm not me anymore. Its such a painful fact that my father transfer me to a school for the disabled. I want to be normal again.

I walk into my house, I dont need sight here as I already remember the path and ways. But, theres something strange.

I feel like someones watching me.

My heart beats faster all of the sudden.

What is this feeling ? Why is my heart pounding this way ? I sensed someone, but who ? Why did he or she stared at me ? Why did my heart feels like its going to burst ? Why do I have to be blind right now ?

I sit on the couch. My heart cant slow down at all. What is this feeling ?

End of Yoo Young's POV

Xiumin's POV

Who is she ? She cant be an angel. She is to beautiful to be an angel actually. I cant get my eyes of her.

My heart, its pounding really really fast. What is this ?

Is it what they called, love at first sight ?

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