Part 12 - Rose

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As my eyes fluttered open I felt warm. So warm I didn't want to move. As I became more conscious I saw that I was tangled in Kian's arms.

I traced his tattoos wondering the story behind them all, if there even is one. For the backseat of a car, I was very comfortable. Maybe because I felt good in his arms or maybe because when I'm with him like this I feel so alive.

About half an hour passed and I was still tracing his tattoos, I kissed his arm on one of my favorites he has, the rose. The reason I'm so fascinated by it, is because it's simple.

It's so simple, it reminds me of how delicate a rose can be, and out of all of the flower tattoos he got a rose. Makes me think why.


His muscled arms tightened around me as he woke up.
"Goodmorning." Kian spoke so raspy I got chills. I looked over to his face and kissed his cheek. "Goodmorning to you too." I smiled.

I tried to wiggle away but he laughed in my neck. "Where do you think you're going baby girl."
instant chills.
I felt him smirk and I held onto his arm again. "I thought we were supposed to get me a Halloween costume?" I laughed and traced the rose again.

"Mmmhm. I like when you do that." Kian mumbled. "Like when I do what?" I questioned him even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.  "Touch me." he spoke again.

I continued tracing his arm for a little while longer. "Let's go somewhere Kian." I said. "Ooh. like where?" Kian laughed a bit. "Somewhere, anywhere." I moved my head to see his.

Lost in his beauty once again. His face is so pure and full of life when I'm with him. Kian smirked and kissed my lips softly. I responded and tangled my fingers in his messy bed head from last night.

"Put your pants on lets go somewhere okay?" I breathed out of the kiss. Kian groaned and wrapped his hands around my hips and propped me up.
I put on my sweatpants and T-shirt and Kian did the same.

I crawled back into the passenger seat and as I did Kian's hand was on my ass. "You have a cute butt." Kian giggled. He let go and I hopped into the seat as did he.

"This butt is all yours." I smirked back wiggling my eyebrows. He laughed, the cutest smile, so genuine. Kian soon started the car and we left.

About 30 minutes have passed by and we are now in this really small town. "Where are we goin'!" I said all giddy. "The costume store." Kian laughed.

Soon the car came to a stop in front of a small old looking store. the sign said, "Scary threads." I laughed to myself at the name. "Kian how do you know about this place?" I said laughing still.

"Let's just say I've been here more than once." He winked. Kian hopped out of the car and so did I. "Beep beep." Ringed through my ears as Kian locked the car. Coming around the corner Kian swung his right arm around my shoulder and we started walking towards the sketchy Halloween store.

As we were inside I noticed a couple weird things that aren't normal about this store. It's almost pitch black, no AC, and no windows. another weird thing was. there were no costumes.

I started getting shaky as Kian wrapped his arms around my entire body so his head was on my shoulder. "Don't be scared gray, we are just here to have a little fun." he whispered into my neck. "What do you mean fun?" I said nervous.

"The car was a little to - well little for me." Kian swiveled me around to a mattress laying on the floor. It was a clean looking mattress but why here? why not at the house.

"Kian I don't think I'm ready to do that again." I said careful of my words. "Why not? I brought you all this way for you to turn me down?" Kian muttered.

"Kian I didn't turn you down." I swiveled facing him this time. "We still did something back in the car." I added running my hand through his hair.

"I need you, I need more of you." He breathed, as if my touch made him vulnerable. He whined as I moved my hand around his neck and brought my lips closer to his.

"Maybe not tonight." I whispered onto his soft pink lips. His body un-tensed as he looked me in the eyes. "You're right." Kian stated. He backed away and left me standing there. Kian's back was towards me and he stopped in his tracks. "Kian what are you doing?" I questioned. unsure of what his next move was.

Hit me? take me back to the house? just completely walk away and leave me?

"You know what." he whispered, but the emptiness of the building made it an echo.

"Fuck it." Kian whipped his head around and walked toward me, then smashed his lips onto mine. I responded back even though I knew I shouldn't, Kian just had that affect on me I couldn't resist. I ran my hands down his arms feeling all around his biceps. The fact he was wearing a black cutoff made everything so much hotter about him.

He started kissing my neck and down my collarbone. Kian grabbed my waist and yanked it towards his body. I soon began walking him towards the mattress and he went down on it first. I stood there watching him, so full of awe looking up at me like that.

You need to do something

I sat down on his lap and started kissing his neck, as I peered around the corner there was a large block of wood. Furrowing my eyebrows I kept searching around the room and found and earring on the bed.

Super curious now I still had to keep Kian busy so I moved my hand into his shirt and started going down, and down, and even farther to the point where I was in his pants. He moaned and started clawing at my back, soon it began to hurt.

Kian's POV

Gray was really teasing me now and as she was sitting on top of me, her hand in my pants. I felt teased. I clawed at her back hoping to tease her back.

"Close your eyes." She whispered seductively. I responded and started moving my hands up her back reaching her bra.

I opened my eyes for a split second and then everything went black.

okay whats up :') I'm back and I am super sorry I haven't updated in so long. Here's a chapter i've been writing for awhile ! leave a comment if you want me to update faster and also vote, I love you guys so much 💗

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