Method Two Of Four: Diluting Essential Oils for Topical Application

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Dilute essential oils in a carrier oil or water if you plan to apply it to the skin.

Sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, and avocado oil all work well as carriers for essential oils. These carrier oils do not have a strong smell of their own so they will not overpower or conflict with the essential oils. You can also use water as a carrier. Before you prepare you essential oil solution, make sure that you consider how you plan to use it.
For an essential oil solution that will be applied to a concentrated area of an adult's body, prepare a 3-5% solution. Add 3-5 drops of essential oil for every teaspoon of carrier oil or water that you use. This dilution is ideal for applying a small amount of essential oil to your temples or wrists.
For an essential oil solution that will be applied to a large area of an adult's body, prepare a 1% solution. Add 1 drop of essential oil for every teaspoon of carrier oil or water that you use. This dilution is ideal for massage oil mixtures and body sprays.
If you plan to use essential oil on a baby, you should prepare a much weaker solution of 0.25%. To prepare a 0.25% solution, add one drop of essential oil to every 4 teaspoons of carrier oil or water.
To use essential oils in the bath, add 3-5 drops to your bath salts or to a teaspoon of carrier oil. Then add the mixture to your bathwater. Mixing essential oils with a carrier before adding them to the bathwater will help prevent direct contact of the essential oil with your skin, which may cause irritation.

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