How much oil do I add to epsom salt for bathing and soaking?
Use about 20 drops of oil, 1 cup of Epsom salts, and 1 cup baking soda.Do essential oils harm animals?
No, they do not. But you should still keep them away from your animals.Why can't I add a few drops to my water and drink it?
Some essential oils can make you ill if ingested, so the safest course of action is to avoid ingesting any of them.Great thanks to the WikiHow Contributor for helping these common questions to be answered.
How To Use Essential Oils.
RandomEssential oils are the distilled, pure essences extracted from the fruit, peel, twigs, leaves or flowers of a plant. They are used in aromatherapy to promote emotional and physical well-being. Essential oils can be applied to the body using carriers...