Pure male chauvinism!

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If anyone is still reading this: I'm sorry. I'm the worst, I know.
I just want to say thanks for the response I'm getting on this story, it's really awesome! :)


Note to self: Edgar Dalgliesh does not like to be slapped across the face.
Do it again at earliest convenience.

Well, now is as convenient as any other time... I went for a second slap, but Mr. Ambrose got a granite grip on my arm before it could reach its target.

"Mr. Linton!" he growled in my ear. "Behave yourself!"

Oh, dear. Growling... I must have riled him up good and proper. I inwardly patted myself on the back for that feat, before throwing him a glare over my shoulder.
He, of course, responded with an icy glare to extinguish the fire in mine, but he didn't succeed! Oh, no. The day I would let him drown out my fire was the day I admitted my position as a woman was inferior to his as a man. Never would I succumb to the evil powers of the patriarchy!

Before either of us had the chance to do or say anything else, the professor started his class and Edgar Dalgliesh sat down on Mr. Ambrose' other side, after throwing me a final glare. I huffed and crossed my arms, which my dear Rikkard had deemed wise to let go as soon as Edgar was out of my reach.

I have no idea what was going on during the second lesson, either, because I was far too busy with my priorities as a proud feminist (glaring at the chauvinists in my immediate vicinity). So, when the professor dismissed us, I would have completely missed it had Mr. Ambrose not cordially said goodbye to his new best friend, still with that infernal smile on his face.

The good humor his smile spoke of, though, wasn't found in his vice-like grip on my arm as he seemingly gently pulled me out of the room and into a deserted hallway.

The smile was also gone as soon as he directed his gaze at me.

"I don't know what you think you are doing, Mr. Linton, but if you wish to keep your job it would be wise to abstain from further action."

Logically, I knew that there wasn't really a point in arguing. Mr. Ambrose didn't change his mind about things -- but I had a reputation to uphold. And besides, it wasn't like he was making much sense anyway.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't work for you, Rikkard!"
He froze in his footsteps, slowly turned around and approached me. I thought he was going to say something, but he kept on until I had stumbled back to avoid head-on collision and he had me cornered against the wall.

I knew what he was doing - he was using his height to intimidate me, to frighten me! Ha! As if I, Lily Linton, Suffragette Supreme would ever be afraid -- afraid! The idea by itself! -- of anyone, no matter their hight, or the hardness of their body just-not pressing into mine, or even the level of intimidating ice shooting from their eyes into my skull. No, I did not want to run and hide. Of course not. And I did not want to take back what I'd said, I told myself.

My inner voice snorted loudly, but I had bigger fish to fry than some inner snark.
I straightened my back to minimize the height difference and glared right back at Mr. Ambrose.

"Who is the employer here, Mr. Linton?" he demanded.

I took a shaky breath. Alright, maybe he was a bit intimidating when he put his mind to it. "Y-you are. But I'm not the employee."

If I didn't know better, I would have thought Mr. Ambrose closed his eyes for a fraction of a second and heaved a tiny, barely noticeable sigh. But that wasn't possible, because this was Mr. Icecold No-Emotions Ambrose and I did know better.

"Let me put it like this. Stay out of my way. And do away with those ridiculous convictions of yours. That is an order. You are not Lily Linton, feminist, here. You are Victor Linton, student and secretary to Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, id est me. Ergo, I can and will fire you. Understood?"

I had never quite contemplated the sound of my name before, but now I realised that it was a beautiful sound, soft and delicate, not at all hard but still strong. It could of course be Mr. Ambrose; his voice was rather wonderful in spite of all the freezing going on. I wasn't particularly fond of all the fancy Latin words though -- I more or less got the gist of things, but it reminded me too much of the members of high society I -- and I thought he as well -- detested.

I shot him a cold look to match that sentiment, before ducking under his arm and making my way to my next class -immediately after I'd figured out which one that was.

Sliding into a seat in the front, I huffed to myself. So he wanted me to stay out of his way? I could do that. No problem. I didn't need him! I would be just fine on my own and it would be my pleasure to show him just that. I didn't look up to meet his ice-cold gaze when he finally entered the classroom as well, and I hurried out of there and made my way home before he could catch up to me.

The next day, I made sure to arrive half an hour early so I could avoid Mr. Ambrose, who I knew would be taking this extra time to get some work done. Just because he was a student now, did not mean he would settle for less money... or so I thought.

I was merrily walking to my first class, very pleased with myself for thinking to get up earlier than per usual, when I spotted a familiar figure standing in a dark corner.

I know that I was planning to stay away from him until he begged me for forgiveness, but I couldn't contain my curiosity. Sneakily, I inched closer to him, until I could hear his voice, and that of another man. I would have expected it to have been Mr. Ambrose bloody new best friend, that miser Edgar Dalgliesh -- but it appeared this day was not very keen on making my expectations come true.

"-such an uncomely fellow," the other man said, "I simply cannot understand why such a character would be in your excellent company!"

I almost snickered. Excellent company? Surely, he wasn't speaking of Mr. Ambrose. Dear Rikkard wasn't exactly known for being anything but rich and powerful, and no one who had actually met the man would claim he was even remotely good company.

Then came Mr. Ambrose' icy retort: "I'm afraid I don't quite follow."
"That Clinton fellow, the suffragist -- awfully rude, wouldn't you agree? Not the kind of person a man of your standing-"

I was about to try my right hook on my fellow student, when I heard Mr. Ambrose take a sharp breath.

"No, I don't agree. I will have you know that Mr. Linton is one of the most honorable people I have met in my lifetime. Yes, he has some rather strange ideas and he's a little outspoken, but he's very passionate and convinced of what he's saying. Sh- He is smart and loyal to a fault and ten times the man you could ever hope to be."


There's probably tons of typos because I'm travelling and had to do this on my tablet. It's also pretty short because of that, my apologies but I'm hella frustrated right now lmao. #nokeyboard
For the next update: I'm trying, but I'm going on a foreign exchange for a year... And I don't know the language yet. So I may not have the time/energy to write much or no internet. I solemnly swear I will try.
Peace out now. You're probably procrastinating. Mr. Ambrose is glaring at you and telling you to get to it.
I know he's glaring at me... FINE, RIKKY, I'LL GO WORK ON MY TO DO-LIST. GEEZ!

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