And the surprise guest.

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tbh I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the beginning of this chapter, I'll probably rewrite it later on... Cause that argument just didn't entirely make sense ahaha sorry. It's only the first part I promise. I just really had to finish this. PLEASE READ THE FIRST PART OF THE AUTHOR'S NOTE DOWN BELOW

Also I'm going to try and update again this week but I'm really busy so... Yeah. I don't know.

okay, enjoy!


I gulped, then reminded myself how strong and independent I was.

"That would be me," I said in a strong voice, though I have to admit it was not one hundred percent steady.

The other students and the professor were staring at me as if I had announced that I was actually a seventeen-year-old from 21st century Belgium. Or even worse- a girl! I managed to hold in a snicker at the hilarious look on their faces.

"Don't you-" the professor, whose name I still didn't know, started, but then Mr. Ambrose stood up and started walking out of the aula with the curt announcement that the lesson was over.

"It's still 10 min-" but the half-hearted protest was cut short by the mass of relieved students packing up their things.

Looks like tuning out of the actual class had been the right call.

I quickly hurried after him and made it out the door before the professor could stop me.

Mr. Ambrose definitely stands out between the other students, I thought as I caught up to him.

"Mr. Ambrose, Sir?" I asked, "Do you have the same class as I now?"

It would be so typical of me to follow him to his next lesson, only to find out that we had different schedules after all.

He ignored me.

"Rikkard!" I hissed, "Don't ignore me, blast you!"

If that was even possible, Mr. Ambrose straightened his already ramrod-straight back even further.

"I changed my mind," he informed me, "Call me Mr. Ambrose."

I grinned. If he wanted me to call him Mr. Ambrose, I would most definitely opt for his first name.

"Rikkard," I emphasized, "You still didn't answer my question!"

He directed one of his frappucino glares with extra ice at me before nodding curtly.

"We have the same schedule. Now- act like a l- I mean, behave yourself."

I directed a glare of my own his way - who did he think he was, telling me to behave, my mother?! He most certainly didn't have the right to. It wasn't like I was working for him. Besides, I was behaving, wasn't I?

As far as I knew, I hadn't caused any deaths or injured, which counted as behaving in my book.

Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if I was being uncivilised as the Devil in Mr. Ambrose'.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"I mean that whatever you are trying to achieve here, stop. It's reflecting poorly on me."

I frowned. "Whatever I'm trying to achieve? I'm not trying to achieve anything! I mean, besides women's suffrage, the downfall of the chauvinists, fair wages for the yellow piggies in the ballet company and emancipation in general." I paused and took a breath. "Wait- I reflect poorly on you? It's the other way around! You are the great Ambrose! You're the one who matters, I'm just the secretary."

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