Hi Anna

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Hey anyone who reads this :) enjoy I'm gonna go make my own Gir now so bye bye :)


Chapter two - hi Anna

"Anna out of bed NOW!" My mum yells causing me to jump out of my dreams

"I'm up!" I scream back, letting her know she won't need to yell anymore. I fall out of bed onto my covers and pillows, I always knock them off at night, before getting up and going down stairs to see my dad's chair empty and my mum running around the house like death was after her

"Where's daddy?" I ask her when she runs past me to grab her cars keys but as usual she doesn't hear me

"Bye Anna." She ceremoniously calls before slamming the door shut and leaving me with the house all to myself. I sleepily chew on some cereal before abandoning most of my bowl as I usually do when my parents leave early and skip up the stair to my room where my blue and grey uniform awaits me. After I get dressed and argue with my tie over how a proper tie looks and how it avoids that look, I check the time 7:30 ok I have enough time for a quick episode. I pick up my iPad and quickly type into YouTube 'Transformers Prime-plus one' then proceed to shut out the real world for the one I'd much prefer.

Later I arrive at school with ten minutes to spare and curse myself for not watching the rest of the episode but my thoughts are interrupted by a boy shoving me into a wall

"Freak!" He laughs with his friends who all join him in agreement

"Yea freak!" They all laugh before walking away laughing at my reaction

"At least I have a mind of my own," I whisper too low for anyone to hear, that was one thing I'd noticed about my school. If you didn't religiously follow the herd then you were a freak of nature in the peoples eyes. For example if you're a girl then you MUST wear the most makeup possible and the shortest skirt you could find or you were considered a freak, yea me I rebel against my own gender!

The bell rings and I walk the short distance to drama and sit at the corner of the room with my notepad out and prescribed on. That is how my day goes, I walk into class my nose in a book or working on a doodle of some kind then I'd put my stuff to the side and work hard so I don't fail anything - being only slightly above average intelligence isn't easy- then after the lesson I'd grab my stuff and continue with whatever I was previously doing.

Finally the last bell went letting me go free of this hell, but on my way out just to make my day even better some popular girl shoved past me and caused me to draw a big line on the drawing I'd been working on all day. Steaming I stomp home not letting anyone see how annoyed I was cause I knew it would just provoke them to do it again, just before I enter my house I take a moment to calm down and then I unlock the door and my dog starts barking. I yell abuse to him about how much he smell before going into the kitchen and petting him

"Hey boy, whose my good smelly boy?" What? I'm not lying when I say my dog reeks but he knows I still love him.

"You'll never guess what those kids did today? They made me ruin my drawing! And I'd worked so hard in it too," Sam just barks at me again so I let him out yelling more smell themed abuse because now his stink was on my hands.

After letting him out I jump up my stairs lightening my mood momentarily and then walk into my room and into my chair. Something felt off, something was watching me.. No more than one thing. Opening my eyes I turn to my bed and spot four plushies

"Well how did you lot get here then?" They don't respond other than continuing to stare at me, it was strange, they were transformers plushies that was obvious but each one was from a different show. The Megatron was from Animated, the Starscream from Armada, Optimus from G1 and Ratchet from Prime. "Well guess you guys are going to have to move cause that's my bed," getting up I pick each up and put them under an arm. I look around my small room for a while before finally dropping them on my desk followed by me falling on my bed and closing my eyes. I wake up two hours later to the sound of my mum and dad yelling at eachother

"I can't believe you would do this to us!"

"Oh like this is all my fault! All you ever do is work work work! There is no us anymore!"

I stuff a pillow over my ears and pray they stop soon but it goes on long into the night, at around eleven mum storms out and dad locks himself in their room leaving the house silent except for the quiet hum his TV made when it was on. I lay down quietly on my bed turned to the toys on the desk

"Welcome to hell gents, if you survive past tomorrow I'll be real proud," I then close my eyes and decide to get some sleep whilst the house was silent.


Well that's the second chapter introducing me! Well my character but she's based off me :)

Anywho everyone meet Bir she's a Gir clone thingy

Bir- CHEESYPASTA!!!!!!!!!!


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