Chapter Thirty

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Joyful cheers filled the camp as the five of us returned. Everyone was so glad that we were back, and so was I. Time and space were not destroyed, and it was all thanks to us.

The Regigigas kids were all lifting Reggie and Gigi up in the air and then giving them "congratulatory noogies". The Lugia kids were all giving Lucy Brine a group hug. The Groudon kids were giving Terrence high-fives and fist-bumps. And everyone else was crowded around me, just hoping to get a glimpse of the girl who saved the world.

Vicky then walked up to me. "Diane," she said, "you saved us all. And for that, I am forever grateful." She gave me a hug. I beamed. 

"I was just doing my job." I replied. 

"Well, Diane, you did your job very well."

As soon as I got into the crowd, Roxy tackle-hugged me. 

"Diane!" she exclaimed. "I missed you so much!" 

"I missed you too!" Alice said as she tackle-hugged me as well. 

"I missed you as well." Irene said, patting me on the back. 

When they all let go, I laughed. "I missed you guys too." I replied. 

"Tell me all about your adventure!" Roxy exclaimed. 

"I'll tell you all about it later." I replied.

That night, as we were sitting around the campfire, the entire camp sat in awe as we told all the kids about our adventure.

"...and then Zeke turned into a Zekrom, and we had this big fight, and then when I was about to faint, I stopped time!" 

"Ooooooh!" the kids said. 

"And then I used Roar of Time while he was frozen, and then I took back the hourglass, gave it back to Dialga, and saved the world!"
All the kids applauded.

Jeannie then showed up with a bag of marshmallows, a few boxes of graham crackers and about 5 packages of chocolate bars. "Alright, kiddos," she said, "who's ready for some S'MORES?" 

"Me!" all of the campers said, including myself. We all rushed to get our s'more-making supplies, put our marshmallows on sticks and roasted them.

And as I gazed into the flames, I thought one thing.

This is the best camp ever.


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