cнαρτεr 12

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♡ Taylor ♡

"I'm starting to get claustrophobic in this tight spaced cage!" I complained.

"Yeah, right," Jasper said. "Get over it."

"No, I won't," I said. "Why did you kidnap me then?"

"Because I want you to be my girlfriend again," He said. "For the hundredth time!"

"Well, I told you," I started speaking. "I'm with someone else now."

"Yeah, you said that one hundred times," Jasper muttered. "No one cares."

Ugh! Out of nowhere, there was a voice calling out, 'EMERGENCY!'

"Ugh," He said. "Someone had taken out a zombie chip from one of my zombies."

"Who is it, honey?" I asked, laughing in the inside but curious too.

"Let me check, stupid," Jasper said.

"Hey, if you want me to be your girlfriend," I responded. "You have to treat and talk to me nicer."

"Ok, sorry, wait that's not going to happen," He said, rolling his eyes and then checked the computer in front of him. "It says here that someone took the zombie chip out of Harry!"

"HARRY!" I squealed.

"Yes, Harry," Jasper said, frowning.

"That means he's not a zombie anymore!" I said, almost screaming. "That's so awesome for Bella!"

"Please be quiet," He said, annoyed.

"Ok, fine," I said, pouting.

I'm so happy that Harry is not a zombie anymore but what if that has some side effects after the taking out the microchip part. I know what is going on there but I hope it's good news.

♡ Bella ♡

I walked over to Harry and sat down next to him.

"How're you feeling?" I asked.

"Like crud and I feel super sick," Harry responded. "I think I'm going to puke."

"Oh, what do you mean by sick? I can help," I said. "Do you want the puke bucket?"

"My hand is starting to make my head hurt which is weird," Harry said and groaned. "Yes, wait we have a puke bucket?"

"Oh, I can give you something," I said. "Yeah, we do."

I handed him some pain killers and the puke bucket. He puked and it smelled kind of gross. I felt so bad for him.

"I'll check on Niall," I said to Harry. "Feel better."

"Ok, thanks," Harry replied, putting the puke bucket away from him.

Well, everyone else is on food or supply duty besides me, Harry, Niall, and Lexi. I walked up to her who was replacing the old bandage around Niall's torso.

"Switch?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," Lexi said, getting up and walked over to Harry in the corner.

"Hey, Niall," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey," Niall croaked.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Niall said, almost in a whisper. "I don't feel so good. Can you give me that puke bucket thing, please and hurry?"

I nodded and went to the puke bucket by Harry. I took it and gave it to Niall. Once he got it, he started throwing up. I saw a glimpse of Niall's throw-up and it was blood mixed with green stuff that I have no clue what it is. Once he was done, he passed out.

"Uh, Lexi?" I called.

"Wait a sec, I have to put this bandage on Harry's hand," She said.

"Oh, ok," I said. "Hurry though."

I turned around to look at Niall again. The blood kept going out of his torso, continuing. First it was red and not it's turning green. What is this green blood? I don't know what to do!



♡ R E A D

♡ V O T E

♡ F O L L O W

♡ C O M M E N T

♡ A D D  T O  R E A D I N G  L I S T S

♡ R E C O M M E N D / S H A R E

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