cнαρτεr 13

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♡ Niall ♡

I fell unconscious after throwing up. My dream was horrible or terrible. Or was it a dream? It felt real but it also felt unreal... I was just lying on the couch, some people went to get supplies or food today, I think, and some people stayed behind to watch Harry and me.

Lexi was checking on Harry and Bella was now checking on me. All out of a sudden, zombies busted right into door and came right in. We were all really scared. I couldn't really move anywhere. Bella was trying to guard me from the zombies but a muscular zombie pushed her into a wall really hard.

Ouch, that gotta hurt. She got up but she was clutching her arm. The zombie grabbed me from the couch and choked me. Harry tried to help but there was no way, he was going to beat a zombie twice his size. A zombie grabbed Harry, and scratched him across his face. Harry screamed loudly and it could make my ears bleed.

I even noticed Lexi was just standing there, watching it all happen. Why won't she do anything? Bella was now holding her gun and started shooting at the zombies. The zombies started fleeing away besides the one who was choking me still. I was in a lot of pain, no kidding. The zombie clutched my neck tighter and it had an iron grip.

Bella pointed the gun at the huge zombie and was ready to fire. Then a zombie flew in and landed on Bella. Making her shoot, it shot the zombie or me. I looked up at the zombie's face to see the look of pain but it was just smirking at me with that evil grin. I realized it didn't get shot. I looked at myself and there was blood coming out of my arm. My arm hurt badly.

"I'm so sorry, Niall!" Bella screamed, tears streaming down her face.

I gave her an 'it is ok,' look. Bella cried even more. The zombie carried me over his shoulder. Bella tried to save me but it was no use. Bella started running after me but the humungous zombie pushed her down to the ground. Her head collided with the floor and her eyes closed shut. BELLA! I screamed and yelled at the zombie to put me down.

The zombie didn't listen and never cared that I was kicking and punching it at the same time. Tears went down my face and I thought my life was over now. I was in a lot of pain and I think I couldn't stay alive. I closed my eyes, wishing this didn't happen to me.

I opened my eyes and I found myself in a secret hideout of the zombies, I think. It didn't look familiar but I guess I'll remember it for the rest of my life. The zombie put me into this cage and locked me up. I heard someone sobbing and I turned my head. It was Taylor!

"Taylor!" I managed to yell out.

"Niall?" called Taylor and she looked up at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know," I spoke much rather in a whisper. "Got kidnapped..."

"Oh, what happened to you?" She asked. "You look like you have been in through a lot of bad things."

Before I could even answer, a guy around my age or older, came walking in.

"Look who we have here," The guy spoke. "I/5 of One Direction, isn't it?"

"Yeah, so," I said, clutching my arm.

"Aren't you just so cute, Nialler?" The guy joked, ugh I just don't like other people using my nickname especially him.

"Oh, just shut up, Jasper!" Ellie yelled at him.

So his name is Jasper.... This could be very very useful information for later or in the future.

"I know your name is Niall, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, you kind of said it a few seconds ago," I said, I just don't like this guy.

"Oh, what happened to you?"' Jasper asked and faked gasped.

"Supposedly you did all of this," I said.

"Me?" He said. "What did I do to you?"

"Your stupid zombies, that's what!" I said, now more yelling, still holding my arm.

"Oh, zombies, huh," Jasper said. "Harry and Bella were in this too."

"Yeah, wait what?" I asked.

"My zombies, duh!" said Jasper.

I glared at him and said, "Bella shot me by accident."

"Yeah, it was all me," He said. "I contacted that zombie to charge into her so she will shoot."

"Harry's wasn't really part of this," I said.

"Yeah, he caused you to get hurt," Jasper smirked.

"What, no he didn't," I said, frowning.

"Yeah, he did," He said, grinning. "I told him to."

"Then why would he do that?" I asked.

"Because, we both made a deal," Jasper said.

"You're lying!" I yelled. "Harry would never do anything like that!"

"Wait what?" Taylor started speaking. "Sorry for barging into this conversation but I'm just really lost."

"Oh, ok, then," I said.

"Yeah, you should be sorry," Jasper said. "He actually made a deal. It was either turning in one of your guys or letting us kill all of you."

"Well, he made the right decision," I said and Ellie nodded.

"Not, really, he doesn't know what I'm going to do with you," He said in a creepy voice and walked out of the room.

I sort of panicked and I looked at Taylor. She had a scared face too.

"Do you know?" I asked.

"No, I have no clue," She said. "Don't worry. I'll help you. He doesn't want to hurt me because he just wants me to be his girlfriend."

"Oh, ok, thanks," I said and calmed down a little. "Really? Him, your boyfriend? You should be with Louis. He really cares about you, you know."

"I know, I love him too," Taylor said, sighing. "I have to though."

"Oh," I simply replied.

"And also, one question, why did Bella shoot you?" She asked. "She would never do that, I mean, yeah, she would never ever do such a thing."

"Um, she lost her aiming when a zombie collided into her," I stated.

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense," She said so I smiled.

Suddenly, a gas tank went off and the room turned foggy. It must be sleeping gas because Taylor quickly passed out. I tried so hard not to breathe but I couldn't hold it for so long. I passed out and found myself into a world of darkness.



♡ R E A D

♡ V O T E

♡ F O L L O W

♡ C O M M E N T

♡ A D D  T O  R E A D I N G  L I S T S

♡ R E C O M M E N D / S H A R E

Zombie Land ➢ One Direction {CARROT FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now