Chapter 7:The Sorting and Demigod Dreams

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Disclaimer: Plot is mine and characters I make are mine. Everything else is Rick's and J.K.'s. Sorry about that photo up there, I just wanted to spread some support cause shit apparently happened at the high school today(that I didn't see cause I missed school today) and I just wanted to spread good things.


Harry's POV

I just didn't get it. Why would Ron think they were trustworthy? I saw the tattoo and told him but he still trusts them. And what was Malfoy speaking? Didn't he say it was Greek? Where'd he learn that?

Oh the Sorting's about to begin. I wonder what houses the exchange students will be in? Probably mostly Slytherin.

Professor McGonagall brought the Sorting hat out and started calling out names, beginning with,

"Alberts, Caleb" who was Hufflepuff and ending with "Wong, Lucky" in Slytherin. (CLASSMATES PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU TO HOGWARTS)

Then it was the exchange students turn.(Their names aren't in order) First was "Grace, Jason" The Sorting Hat took about a minute to decide on Gryffindor. Then McLean,Piper was up.


Piper's POV

When it was my turn to go up, I went hesitantly. I didn't like talking hats. I sat on the stool while Professor McGonagall, wasn't that her name?, put the hat on my head. Suddenly it started talking in my head.

"Well, well, well. Another demigod eh? You would do well in Slytherin but you seem more like...GRYFFINDOR!" the hat shouted this last part out loud and I walked over to where Jason was sitting.

We waited as everyone got sorted into Gryffindor until it was just Nico, Percy, and Annabeth. As Nico approached, the hat started to tremble. When he was about a foot away, the hat shouted "NO CLOSER! TOO MUCH SADNESS! YOU ARE MOST DEFINITELY GRYFFINDOR!" Nico said

"Umm... ok" and walked over to sit next to Will, who kissed his cheek. Professor McGonagall called out Annabeth's name and she walked over. She was about 2 feet away when the hat shouted

"AHH. YOU ARE AS BAD AS THE OTHER ONE ONLY EVEN MORE SADNESS AND SUFFERING! YOU ARE GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR!" Professor McGonagall looked shocked but recovered enough to call out Percy's name. This time he was 4 feet away when the hat let out an earsplitting shriek and yelled

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU ARE AS BAD AS THE BLONDIE! NO YOU ARE WORSE! HOW ARE YOU SANE?! NO, NO HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?! YOU ARE TOO BRAVE TO BE ANYWHERE BUT GRYFFINDOR!!!!YOU WENT THROUGH THAT...THAT...HELLHOLE!" here the Hat started crying and tried to hop away from Percy but only succeeded in falling flat on its face.

Everyone in the room stared at Percy in shock, who just shrugged and sat down next to Annabeth. Professor McGonagall put the hat away and said

"Well, that was unusual but being hungry isn't good for the brain. Let the feast begin!" Suddenly the plates filled up with food. All the demis started to eat but thunder rumbled outside.

I sighed and went up the McGonagall and told her about whole food offering thing.

"I know" she said while waving her wand. A goblet filled with fire appeared. I thanked her and took the goblet back to the others. We all scrapped a portion of our food into the goblet while muttering prayers.

"Why the bloody 'ell did you do that for?" asked Ron.

"Religion" Calypso said. 

Later, after dinner we went up to the Gryffindor tower. When someone said the password which was "Athena's Trident" all the demis including Hermione started to laugh. Ron gave us an odd look and we all went through the portrait hole.

Inside there were staircases leading off to other rooms. Ron said

"Why is there a new tower?" We looked around and saw a door with a sign on it that said in English and Greek, "Exchange students"

We walked over to it and went in. The main room had a ping pong table and a mini fridge with a stack of chairs in one corner. Leading off of the room were six rooms. By each one there was a sign saying whose room it was. Percy and Annabeth, me and Jason, Frank and Hazel, Leo and Calypso, Nico and Will, and Rachel. There was also a note on the table. I went over, picked it up, and read it aloud.

"Dear Demigods, each room is custom designed. Only Demis and people you invite are allowed into this area. That's it. From, your parents. P.S. One more thing, Percy stay away from my daughter. -Athena P.P.S But they're SUCH a cute couple. Don't you agree Piper dear? -Aphrodite" My face burned as I read it.

"Right, well we should probably get some sleep." Rachel said. "I don't like being tired."

We went into our rooms. Me and Jason's was amazing. It was a mixture of pink and neon blue with hints of red and yellow. One thing wrong though, there was only one bed. Jason went into the bathroom to change and brush his teeth. When he came out he flopped on the bed and began to snore. I giggled as I changed. We I got into the bed, I started to drift off. The last thing I felt before I drifted into sleep was Jason rolling over and putting his arm over me.

I woke up in the middle of the night to hear Nico and Percy screaming. Common occurrence for those two and Annabeth. I got up and went into Nico's room where Will was shaking him.

"Oh thank the gods." he said. "He's been like this for 10 minutes." I used my charmspeak and said

"Nico, wake up." he shot up and collided foreheads with Will who was bending over him. I then realized that they were both shirtless and started to blush.

"I'm gonna go deal with Percy," I said to them. I walked out and over to Percy and Annabeth's room. When I got there I realized that everyone, including Hermione and McGonagall were gathered around the bed. Jason looked over and said

"We've done everything we can. Can you try charmspeaking?" I walked over and said forcefully,

"Percy, WAKE UP." he shot out of bed and was holding Riptide before anyone could react.

"Sorry guys." he said, sheathing Riptide. McGonagall and Hermione went to the doorway of the tower and told the kids that had gathered there to go back to bed. They went reluctantly, muttering the whole way.

McGonagall turned to us and said that she would be putting a silencing charm so that no one outside the tower would hear the screams. I went back to Nico and Will's room to tell them but when I opened the door they were both asleep with Will curled around Nico like a cat.

I went back to my room where Jason was sitting on the bed. I sat down too and kissed him, then lay down and closed my eyes. Jason laid down and put his arm around me. I snuggled in closer to him and he kissed the top of my head and said "Goodnight Pipes."

Wow I was really into the whole "let's cram as much cringy action as possible into each chapter"

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