Chapter 9: Ron finds out

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HeeHeeHee. I love cliffhangers. Ok. You know the disclaimer. Greek=italics. Author's notes=bold. Oh wow it was my idea of a cliffhanger. Damn I was so inexperienced.


Draco's POV

As I walked to the hospital wing, I wondered how Percy was doing. He had woken up but was being held in there by Madam Pomfrey.

When I walked in, I saw that Percy wasn't there. Madam Pomfrey told me that he had already gone back to the Gryffindor Tower. When I got there, I realized that even though I knew the password, I wouldn't be allowed in. Hermione walked up behind me and said,

"Draco? Oh, you want to check on Percy right?" I nodded and she said the password and walked in.

"Um Hermione." I said "She won't let me in." I said while pointing to the Fat Lady.

"Oh that's ok. I know you're a Demi." The Fat Lady said. I walked in and ran over to the Demi tower. Hermione came in behind me. The demis were all gathered around the ping pong table. I went and sat down. Then Ron knocked on the door. He said

"Umm. I can't get in." Hermione sighed and said

"Right I forgot about that." She walked over to the door and said, "I, Hermione Granger, Daughter of Athena, give permission for Ronald Bilius Weasley to enter the demigod tower."

Ron walked in and said, "I didn't hear anything. Did someone put a Silencing Charm on the door or something? Wait, why is Malfoy here?" he walked over and sat down across from me. Hermione came over and sat next to me. Then there was another knock. Hermione made an exasperated sound.

"Who is it now?" Hermione said while walking over. She opened the door and Harry and Ginny stood there. Harry looked in and said,

"Ron! I thought I told you. You can't trust them especially not Malfoy." Hermione glared at him and said,

"Well, Harry if you can't trust them, then you can't trust me either. Ginny are you with Harry or with me?" Ginny glanced nervously at me and said,

"Sorry Hermione but I'm siding with Harry on this one." Hermione looked close to tears but lifted her head higher and said,

"Well since neither of you trust me then we can't be friends anymore. I can't be friends with people who don't trust me." She slammed the door and started sobbing. Ron started to get up but she ran over to me and curled up in my lap while still crying. I stroked her hair, which turned it back to it's original blond color, and murmured,

"Shh. It's ok sis. It's ok. I'm still here. I will never abandon you and will always trust you." Ron just stared for a minute and then said,

"Ok. Somebody start explaining NOW! What happened earlier at the lake?! Why is Malfoy comforting Hermione?!" I glared at him and said,

"Can't you see she's still upset? Wait for her to calm down a bit." After a few minutes Hermione sat fully up and said,

"I'm ok now." She turned to Ron and started explaining. "Ron, all of us here except you, Rachel, and Calypso are Demigods. That means that one of our parents was a Greek or Roman god or goddess. Rachel is a mortal, but became the Oracle of Delphi, which is like Professor Trelawney, but way more accurate. Calypso is a goddess and is the daughter of Atlas. Rachel was blessed by Apollo. Percy is a son of Poseidon, Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite, Jason is a son of Jupiter, Frank is a son of Mars and descendant of Posiden, Hazel is a daughter of Pluto, Nico is a son of Hades, Will is a son of Apollo, Leo is a son of Hephaestus, me and Annabeth are daughters of Athena, and Draco is a son of Athena, and also my biological twin. That is why my hair is blond now. When Draco touched it, the power of Athena flowed through him and got rid of the color change spell. The others aren't exchange students from some American wizarding school. They are from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, safe heavens for demigods. There are more Demis at Hogwarts but we are supposed to keep our identity a secret. The screams from last night that you heard? That was Nico and Percy dreaming about Tartarus. It's Greek hell and Percy, Annabeth, and Nico all survived it. They are the only ones to have ever done so. That's also why the Sorting Hat flipped out." Hermione finished and sat back. I noticed that she had dropped the British accent so I did too.

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