Chapter 10:Prophecies

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Ok so as you can obviously tell, I am not Rick or J.K. Also I wrote this at midnight might not be very good. Remember Greek=italics and A/n=bold. Also the prophecies are in italics. And Solangelo is my otp so that's why the picture at the top is there. Well its now officially Thursday..... POOR CASSIE HE DIED ON A THURSDAY!!!! I'm referencing Twist and Shout here so yea....😭 which I amazingly did not cry at all while reading. I have no fucking clue how I did it.


Harry's POV

As I walk down to the Great Hall the next morning with Ginny, we talk about what we heard and saw last night.

"They have to Ron under the Imperious Curse." I say

"I don't know. Where did you see the Mark?" Ginny asks. I pull up my left robe sleeve and say

"Right here" while pointing to my inner arm below the elbow.

"Hmmm. Maybe we could ask them to show it to us?" I say

"Show what to you?" one of the exchange students-the scrawny one with a tool belt(Leo)-asks.

"None of your business"Ginny says as we walk into the Great Hall. Tool Belt just shakes his head and goes to sit next to my doppelganger.(Percy) I notice that all of them except the blond girl are sitting there.

I look around and see her talking to Professor McGonagall. Blondie nods and comes over to the table.

"So why'd Minerva wanna talk to you?" Doppelganger asks. Blondie replies

"Oh you know, the usual. We're teaching a second DADA class on weapons, the WiFi password is acidpops all lowercase and no spaces, Mom passing on a message to Seaweed Brain that says stay away from my daughter." Doppelganger nods and says,

"So what was the WiFi password?" All of them get out phones and turn them on. (Remember that Harry lived with Muggles so he knows about electronics. Also their phones are monster proof.) I look over at Ginny and know that she's thinking the same thing as me. That the Death Eaters are teaching a DADA class.

Neville's POV

I'm walking to Divination when I see Percy. I run over to him and say,

"Percy!" He looks at me and narrow's his eyes. "Oh right. the Mist." I say as I snap my fingers and feel my disguise burn off. I'm now thinner and leaner with more muscles and have my SPQR tattoo showing. I quickly roll my sleeve down. I went to Camp Jupiter for a few years but I never felt quite Roman so I left and wandered until I found Camp Half-Blood. No one except Chiron knew I started a Camp Jupiter until the war with Gaea. It turned out that I was a son of Demeter, not a son of Ceres.

He smiles and says "Neville! You missed the fight with Gaea! How's your grandmother?"

"She's fine. And I had to fight Voldemort. Sorry. Who else is here?" He replies,

"Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Nico, Will, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, me, and Rachel. They'll be here in a minute. they went to find Ron, Hermione, and Draco." I smile because I want to see my friends again. When they get here, I see Harry and Ginny trailing them. I wonder what that's about. Jason sees me and yells

"Neville!" Everyone runs to me and starts hugging me and asking questions. "I'll tell you why I'm here and missed the final fight with Gaea later" I tell them in Greek. "Right now we're going to be late for Divination." We go up the ladder and find Professor Trelawney reading Ginny's palm. She turns to us and her eyes go wide. She points to us and starts to chant in a raspy voice.

"You shall go west and face the *gasp* who has turned
You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned
You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend
And fail to save what matters most,in the end

You shall sail the iron ship with warriors of bone
You shall find what you seek and make it your own
But despair for your life entombed within stone
And fail without friends to fly home alone

Five shall go west to the *gasp* in chains
One shall be lost in the land without rain
The Bane of *gasp* shows the trail
Campers and Hunters combined prevail
The Titan's curse must one withstand
And one shall perish by a parents hand

You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze
The dead, the traitor, the lost one raise
You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand
The child of *gasp* final stand
Destroy with a hero's final breath
And lose a love to worse than death

A half-blood of the eldest *gasp*
shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in an endless sleep
Hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
*gasp* to preserve or raze

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the *gasp* of Death.

Child of *gasp* beware the earth
The giant's revenge the seven shall birth
Forge and Dove shall break the cage
And death unleash through *gasp* rage

To the north, beyond the gods, lies the legions crown
Falling from ice the Son of *gasp* shall drown

Wisdom's daughter walks alone
The Mark of *gasp* burns through Rome
Twins snuff out the angels breath
who holds the key to endless death
Giant's bane stands gold and pale
Won from pain through a woven jail"

All of the demis are crying by now and the whole group runs out except for me and Ron.

"What's so bad about some riddles?" Harry asks I turn to him and slowly advance while saying,

"We have lived through all those prophecies. Gaea and Kronos rose and we defeated them. Percy, Annabeth, and Nico when through TARTARUS AND MANY, MANY, MANY OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY DIED!" My voice rises to a shout at the end of this and I run out off the room while running my fingers over the scar that stretches from my upper cheek to the middle of my chin.

Ron's POV

We're all staring after Neville when Harry says,

"Ok. Does anyone else know that language. Because this is starting to get on my nerves, not being able to understand them." I stare at him and say

"You know, Hermione was right. We can't be friends with you." I walk out after Neville. I find them in the demigod's tower. Annabeth is shaking and sobbing into Percy's shirt. Hazel is hugging Frank and muttering something. Nico is crouched in the corner with feral-looking eyes while Will talks soothingly to him. Leo is sobbing and saying, "I don't wanna die again!" while Calypso strokes his hair. Jason and Piper are hugging each other and looking horrified. Neville is staring out the window while Rachel tries to get a reaction out of him. Hermione is hugging Draco while he cries into her hair saying,

"Luke...why..." over and over again. I go over to Hermione who looks at me with blank eyes. I hug both of them while they cry into my shoulder. I close my eyes and think, 'What has happened in these people's lives to make them act this way?'

Ugh I probably missed a bunch of errors cause I was thinking about my crush. I seriously cannot concentrate on anything when in the same room or when thinking about her. As a result, I'm failing Biology and have a B in Computer class. But she sits on the far side of the class in Spanish so I don't have quite as much distraction.

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