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Dear diary sup Luigi
Well we had some kind of rest I think, we had to go to the shops because Mario wanted to watch that horror movie that Peach was into. It sounded lame "the old and bold man 2" then Mario said "while I  gets the movie Yoshi and you can go get pizza oh and you can pick the toppings this time". I got really excited but Mario interrupted" just joking I would never let you pick toppings you would probably pick one of those average toppings that everyone eats. I don't want the ordinary kind, I want sheep hearts, sheep brains and liver bits oh and don't forget my favourite sauce" (mushed up tape worm eggs) "oh and Luigi"........As Mario paused Luigi thought,"I wonder what he's thinking" Luigi thought about Mario's brain. "Mario probably has a peach for a brain" Luigi mumbled then Mario said "WHAT DID YOU SAY!"
Luigi thought Nothing would be good to say but I shouldn't lie so I said " nothing that concerns you" "argh fine" Mario said. Then Yoshi and I went to Linglinguini's pizza place to get Mario's discussing pizza but they said they don't even sell pizza like that and that he doesn't even know if that is a type of pizza. So we went back and said that they don't sell that type of pizza ,Mario looked like he was gonna burst into tears so I positively said that we had popcorn at home then Mario smiled a little bit .As you know the movie was terrible you know what I mean I wasn't scared I was just hugging my pillow.

As you know the movie was terrible you know what I mean I wasn't scared I was just hugging my pillow

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