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Dear diary

Today I woke up to the smell of something burning in the kitchen I quickly put on my bunny slippers and ran down stairs. I see Mario burning my priceless egg collection and dancing around the fire singing 🎤"HAPPY DAYS HAPPY DAYS "!🎤 I don't blame him I did smash his camera... but just then Mario grabs my golden egg and throws it in, then runs for Yoshi! I run and beat him to it Mario was always the slow one back in high school. I jump on Yoshi and we run to the phone but Mario snatches it from me and calls the police. Mario says "there are two  thieves in my house and the one with the L on his hat told his huge monster dragon to to set my house on fire. Then the he threatened me!" The police came as soon as Mario put the phone down. Then he quickly hid in his room and left the police to put us in jail for nothing! Once we got out Yoshi and me ate pizzas but Yoshi ate the two cooper troopers sitting at the other table. We decided to forget and forgive and go back to Mario's house. But Mario locked the door! Me and Yoshi were nocking on the door for hours and hours and hours and hours but it was no use Mario is a deep sleeper plus he puts ear plugs in his ears before bed. Soo... I guess Yoshi and me have to sleep in the garage. Mario always leaves it open, but gross! The garage is always filled with dirt ,worms ,bugs,spiders,animal poo,dead bodies from animals and old chicken hearts. This place really needs a clean! Well I'm glad that we took those two turtle shells on the way back, we can use those as beds.

 This place really needs a clean! Well I'm glad that we took those two turtle shells on the way back, we can use those as beds

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