Neko!Levi X reader

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Modern AU

3rd Pov

As (y/n) was peacefully sleeping, having a really good dream, a little someone decided to interrupt her.

I mean, he didn't mean it, right? he was hungry and wanted to be fed.

Pulling on the covers trying to boost himself up the bed, after struggling a few times he finally made it, crawling over to the sleeping girl he pounced on her and glared.

"Hey wake up"

No response

"I'm hungry feed me"

Again no response.

He sighed, irritated that you wouldn't get up. An idea popped up in his head, deciding to slap you until you wake up, raising up his little tiny hand.

He slapped you, over and over again.

The (h/c) haired girl jerked awake, throwing the covers off her, making Levi fly away and land on the ground with a 'Thud'

Levi growled "what the hell (y/n)?!?!" you, looking around confused only to find Levi sprawled on the floor glaring up at you, grabbing the hem of his shirt picking him up you smiled.

"Morning Levi" you gently pat his head making him purr.

"Tch, feed me!"

"alright alright" you said getting up "but first let me use the bathroom" you said running away.

-few minutes later-

You were in the kitchen putting tuna in Levi's bowl, Levi was sitting on the kitchen counter, peacefully eating away his meal.

you smiled remembering the first time you met Levi.


You were walking home from work, exhausted from dealing with angry and impatient customers, you took a shortcut in a park since you didn't really want to take the long way.

You past by some random bushes and heard rustling, looking over at the bushes you saw a black tail swaying back and forth, walking slowly to the small creature you bent down to get a good look at it, soon gasping In shock.

This was no normal cat, it was a small boy with cat ears and a tail! you never knew someone like him existed, the neko turned around, (e/c) eyes met intimidating dull blue eyes, you couldn't help but smile at his cute face.

"Hi, I'm (y/n) what's your name?"

he looked at you, his face was dirty, he was very thin and had bags under his eyes. grabbing a handkerchief, You gently wiped the mud that he had on his face smiling softly at him.

he looked at me surprised, "Levi...the names Levi.." You grinned, "Well Levi, do you have a home?" you asked softly, getting a quiet 'No' in response, you nodded.

you decided to take him home, after all he was homeless right? picking him up and cradling him in your arms you smiled as he said nothing and closed his eyes, walking home you took out your keys and opened the door. stepping inside and closing it.

You placed him on the sofa and walked to the bathroom, walking to the tub and filling it with water, once it was nice and warm you went back to the living room to get Levi.

As you brought him to the bathroom you looked at him "You're all dirty so you need to take a bath, okay?" you told him, which he nodded understanding.

carefully placing him in the tub filled with bubbles. He looked and the bubbles in curiosity making you giggle, after washing his hair and such, you wrapped a towel around the now clean neko.

But what surprised you was when you turned back to look at Levi, he was no longer in his chibi form, a man a bit taller than you are, Handsome too, was standing infront of you, but what really freaked you out was that..

He was naked..

Your cheeks turned bright red and you tried to not look down there.

"what the hell?!" you yelled and ran out of the bathroom into your room to get clothes for him.

As for Levi, he was very confused on why you randomly ran away, so he decided to follow you, while still naked.

When you turned around you were greeted by a naked Levi standing by the door way, you accidentally looked down there, causing you to have a major nosebleed.

'I-I-it's huge!!! mY poOr viRgin eyes!'

you closed your eyes and threw a black t-shirt with some sweatpants that will surely fit him.

"Here!! put those o-on!!"

You turned around trying to contain the dirty images that were flowing threw your mind.

"I'm done.." he spoke quietly, you turned around and looked at him, an awkward silence filled the room until you spoke up "you hungry?"

~end of flashback

you giggled at the memory, you actually preferred Levi in his chibi form, since you thought it was really cute

"Oi! what are you giggling about" he said with an annoyed tone, you looked at him and smiled, "nothing~ just thinking about the time we met" you said smiling, he stared at you then rolled his eyes "whatever" he muttered cutely.

you couldn't help but squeal and kiss his tiny head "h-hey! don't do that, you little brat!!"

"mhmm look who's talking"



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