Levi X Reader || We meet.

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3rd Pov

It was the Apocalypse.

Everything was going to shit.

(Y/n) was low on food and water, she felt her stomach growl from hunger, she was all alone.

But that didn't stop her, Oh hell no, that just gave her a reason to keep moving. With all the energy she had left, she trudged along a dirt path that she had been following for the past two days, her legs ached, she hadn't rested in those two days,  it was too dangerous to rest.

She continued, not stopping once to at least catch her breath.

That was until, she spotted a mansion just at the end of this dirt path, her eyes lit up. (Y/n) was beyond relief that she had found a place where she can finally rest, she sprinted towards the building, only to abruptly come to stop once she heard those oh so familiar growls.

This place was filled with zombies, (y/n) only had a gun with 8 bullets and for damn sure that wasn't necessarily going to help. She took out her gun and sprinted towards the doors, her loud footsteps attracted the zombies attention. "fuck.." she muttered as a few zombies came running after her.

Once she was at the door that was slightly opened. (Y/n) grabbed onto the doorknob, opening the door widely as she stepped inside, continuing to slam the door shut, leaving the loud echoing sounds of the door being slammed.

(Y/n) panted, her hand placed on her chest as she tightly clutched onto her shirt, The feel of adrenaline never left her, never had she experience such terrifying moment in her life. she leaned against the wall and tried to catch her breath.

(Y/n) took in her surroundings. The walls were plain white as for the floors, they were grey. A staircase placed in the middle of the room, leading to the second floor. On the left side of her was another room which had no doors, the dining room. "Hello?" she spoke loudly.

A sudden creak was heard on the second floor. Curiosity got to her as she carefully walked up the stairs and onto the second floor, her breath hitched as her heart began to pound. She gripped onto the railing of the stairs.

There stood a man, no taller than 5'3. pretty short if you ask me. His outfit consisted in a military jacket and pants along with black boots. (Y/n) couldn't see his half of his face as it was covered by a bandanna, covering his lower face. He stared down at (Y/n) who was trying her best not to show that she was currently afraid. His eyes glaring down at (Y/n) as he held a gun in his hand.

"Who the hell are you?"


I might do a part two.

I haven't been updating because I literally don't have any inspiration to do so but since its summer, hey might as well try updating more often.

but for now try leaving some requests down in the comments, maybe i'll do them. You can privately message me requests if you'd like too.

but this story is literally based on a game I've been playing with a friend and there's a funny part to it but that'll be for the second part of this lmao.

Next - Shy! Levi X Punk! Reader

Next - Shy! Levi X Punk! Reader

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Have a wonderful day. ((,:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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