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"OK, OK it's not that funny, I wasn't even that drunk."

"Dude, you threw a bird at the police and screamed 'go angry bird kill those pig', I mean where did you even get the Bird from," Ben looks over to me from the driver seat trying not to laugh but was not doing a very good job at it.

"God Ben I don't know I can't remember anything that happened last night, Please say I didn't sleep with some random chick."

"Na dude you didn't, but tuns of hot chicks came up to you begging for a fuck, but you kept going on and on about how you would never cheat on Molly, dude your whipped," Luke laughed while patting me on the shoulder from the seat behind me.

"Noah man when are you going to dump her and move on, how long have you been going out for now one month two," Axel asks.

"Five months and I'm not dumping her, I think I love her." 

"Ohhhhh dude," sometime these guys really get on my nerves just because they don't have girlfriends does not mean I can't I would do anything for Molly end off.

Molly I think she is the love of my live, I would be able to spot her anywhere and nothing and I mean nothing is going ti break us apart we are going to be together forever I going to ask her to marry me at the end of this year once we gradate, I don't know how I'm going to do it but I want it to be really romantic. I wish I could see her more but our schools don't have holidays at the same time something about trying to keep us away from girls and to considerate on school work, it's bull shit. 

"What me?" i was pulled out of my lovely thoughts bu Ben screaming at each other about stupid "I'm dishonest and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something Incredibly stupid." What the hell is Ben on about now sometime I really wonder about him I think I need new friends.

"Dude I think you suffer from insanity," Luke call from the back giving Axle a high-five while laughing. "I don't suffer from insanity," oh dear god what is he going to say now pleas let it be something that makes seance, "I enjoy every minute of it," why god why could I have not had normal friends, why.

We pull up to the school gate and Ben types in the code so we can get in, yes our school is that flash we need codes to get into the school grounds. Once inside we park the car in our spot in the parking building under the school, and we take the lift the goes up to the dorms.

Once we step out of the lift a ball goes whizzing past my head, yup this is my dorm for you you have to be quick on your feet at all times otherwise you will get hit with god knows what but I love it and I call it home. Well it's more my home than my real home is since I have been here since I started this school in year 7. Luke and I are the oldest residents here we both started in year 7 and got rooms together and we both have come back since most people leave or come and don't stay here the whole 7 years you can but both Luke and I have.

"Yo Noah, you trying out for football this year," Steve is one of my mates that does football with me he has been trying to get my spot as caption for years, so each year he will ask if I'm trying out in hope that I wont.

"Sorry dude, it's still not your spot this year as I'm still playing," I see that the other guys have gone off to do there own thing so I walk over and sit next to Steve on the couch, "If you want I could put in a good word for you and try to get you vice caption spot, but it Will cost you," I catch the ball that's about to hit a very stunned looking Steve in the face and throw it back to Matt who yelled out an apogee across the room.

"I thought Luke was Vice caption ever year though," Steve questions as it's true I'm always caption and Luke is always vice caption as we have been in the football team since year 7. Yes we were to young back then but the team that year yas shit and we were better than half of them so we were aloud in and we stayed in and after our third year we were caption and vice caption and it just stayed with us really.

But Luke's gone and buggered up his knee so he can't play for half the year and the vice caption has to play a full year so Luke can't be it but he will still help out and everything he will be the third man in charge. "Well yea he is but he fucked up his knee and can't play the first half of the year. But you know Luke will still come to every game so he will just be the third man in charge, it's the price to pay when you get drunk and get into a fight."

We talked for a while more but then I got hunger so I felt to get something to eat, now I know what your thinking this is a boys dorm there is going to be nothing to eat apart from beer and chops but we actually have meat and stuff in the fridge that the schools buys, because we have to have a least one night of good proper food so that night we all help out and cook a big dinner and eat it but tonight was not the night last night was so there will be left overs in the fridge.

By the time I have heated and eat the left overs it's 10 o'clock and no I'm not a nerd but tomorrow is football try outs and I need to help run them and pick the team since I'm caption and I won't be able to do that if I'm half asleep so I really need to get some sleep. Since I got next to none last night since the guys wanted to go and party, they just had to drag me along with them didn't they. 

I look around to try and find Luke but have no lick so I just head to our room saying night to people as I pass by I know everyone at this school and they know me. To say I popular would be true in kinda a legend at this school for having the best grades. No I'm not a nerd I just work hard and I'm kinda smart. Also my being here the longest and being on most sport teams help.

I get to our room and see Luke passed out on his bed, see he has gone to bed before me. I jump on my laptop and check Facebook and twitter, and then I head into the bathroom that joins our room. Yes all the rooms have their own bathrooms, we are just lucky like that. I take my top and jeans of and throw them in the basket in between the two desks and climb, before I drift off to sleep I grab my phone and text Molly a good night text. I wonder what she is up to at the moment.







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