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"Hello, I would like to welcome you to ST Jessie College for boys. Where have you boys transferred from."

"Thank you we have come form Boys High, its quite a small school so you might not have heard of it before sorry we don't have any transfer papers we left in a rush things turned bad and we couldn't stay there any longer, we are not bad students, but I hope you understand."

"That is fine boys If you could just tell me your names please, so I can put them into the system."

"Of course, my name is Harry Tomlinson, to my left is Peeta Ives, over an the far right is Paul Mellark, and next to me on my right is Thomas Black."

"OK thank you boys if you just wait out side my office in the waiting room I will get someone to show you around."

"Thank you, sorry if we have coursed any inconvenience." 

"It's  fine boys, I just hope you enjoy your time here." 

"Thank you I'm sure we will." and with that said we all walk back out into the waiting room.

"OMG Molly or should I say Harry Tomlinson, how did you even come up with those names." Yea that's a really good question I don't even really know well I do "I was just thinking of what One Direction would do in the hunger games and it just went from there," true story.

We didn't have to wait long before someone came to show us around, and that someone just happened to be my boyfriend Noah, or should I say Molly's boyfriend lol this should be fun.

While Noah is showing us around the school, my friends and I are trying our best to act like guys I know I said I have won the games before and its true I have, but this is the first year we have actually dressed up as guys. Normally Amanda and I just hide out around and inside the school, but this. This is fun. 

I have to say I make a pretty good guy, I have my swagger walk down, and my man voice I must say I pretty good, I just need to work on my screaming when I see a bug or walk into the bathroom and see all the guys naked. I mean I'm not complaining but I do have to remind my self not to stare and that I have a boyfriend but I can still look at his. Wink, Wink ;).

Finally the ride comes to an end, well you know what I mean we have seen the whole school, not that we needed to see It as we all ready know It, but the boys don't know that. OK I will shut up now.

Any way we come to a stop and we enter Noah dorm room where he introduce us to his mates. He he he , we all ready know them I'm quite surprised that my boyfriend can't recognize me. He is so going to  get shit about this later. 

So now we are just sitting around in the dorm room talking when Axel says "You guys are really weird," I can see that Rose is about to say something but I but in with one of my witty remarks "Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in there shoes. Thus, when you criticize them you'll be a mile away and will have their shoes." 

I have to say I am pretty amazing, "You remind me of someone, don;t you think guys," Ben he was always the smart one. " OH I know, Noah don't you reckon she is a lot like Molly," oh so Ben can see threw me but my own boyfriend can't he is going to pay big time, you just wait. 

"What you saying my girl looks like a guy," aww hes so cute, "Na man just the way he acts, well not the way he acts the things he says all the quotes and stuff you know what I mean man come on don't hit me."  Ben says while throwing his hands up in defence.  With one last glear Noah sat back down, lucky for us none of the other guys thought Molly and I were alike, how dumb can you get.

 We stayed in their room for a bit longer then we went down the hall to our rooms of course Amanda and I had a room together, once inside we bursted out laughing "That was the funnest thing ever, 'Hey Noah doesen't you girl friend look like your girlfriend' how dumb can you get."

"Night Amanda."

"Night Molly."


The next day Amanda and I or should I say Thomas Black walk into the kitchen there are all ready quite a few guys in there eating what looks to be cornflakes, as I walk pass the table I here a crunch I lift my foot up and see a crushed corn flake, "OH MY GOD, I just stood on a corn flake.... So I guess that means I'm now a cereal killer."

What did I just say OMG I was not even thinking I look around the kitchen to see every pair of eyes on me, and I do mean every. Shit. The next thing I know is that every is pissing them selves laughing at that exact moment Noah decides to walk in.

Of course Noah tough that were laughing at him because of that amazing timing o he I angry like any person who thinks they are being laughed at for no reason would be. "What the hell are you all laughing at," he yells annoyed. At the loud tone of his voice everyone stops so I figured that was my cue to step in.

"No whining, no complaining, absolutely no frowning, only hugs, smiles and warm fuzzy feelings are allowed, Thank you." All the while I look at Noah with a very serious face while I talked, of course this caused everyone to laugh again, and coursed Noah to storm out of the room. I have known Noah long enough to know how to calm him down, so I follow him out of the kitchen and back to his room.

When I catch up to him he is about to slam his door shut, but I catch it and step into his room closing it behind me "What the hell do you want."

"Noah look at me, NOAH." 

"WHAT." Oh how it hurts that I can't comfort him how he needs.

"Noah they weren't laughing at you, you just walked in at the wrong time." from the look on his face I knew he believe me, he just wanted some comfort, so I did the most stupidest thing I could do.

I walked up to him so we were only inches apart he didn't have time to react as I garbed his checked and kissed him hard. Then I ran out of there as fast as I could, I know by that kiss he will figure out its me, but I had to it's what he needed. He hated when people laughed at him and he didn't know the reason why. 

I heard a door slam "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT."

Yea I did it (did you know an OK looks loke a sideways person. Turn your head back around lol)

Had to say that don't hate me, sorry for mot updating I have been having a really hard time right now and I you read my other story 'Always look on the bright side" well that book it kinda like my life so yea please don't be mad. :)

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