Chapter 3

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~To Le Chapter~

"Y/N," A voice said lightly shaking my shoulder. "Y/N, we're here, we're at the mansion."

"Huh?" I grumbled getting off of Sean's shoulder, which I was using as a pillow, and I groggily got up and looked out the window.

Instantly I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle that was set before me. Vines covered the great cracked stone walls.

"Holy shit..." I muttered not believing that the beauty of the mansion was real as if it was all a mirage.

"I know right." Alex said chuckling and opening my door for me.

"Oh my god, it's real." I ran out of the car, touching the covered wall.

"Why wouldn't it be real?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"It just seems way too good to be true, like a lot of other things in this world." I said solemnly, putting my finger out as a butterfly came and landed on the tip of it.

"Well that's depressing." Sean said, taking the suitcase with my clothes in it and starting to roll it towards the door. I quickly grabbed my backpack out of the backseat and tried to get my other bag out of the trunk. Keyword: Tried.

"Let me get that for you Y/N," Charles' British accent told me.

"Thanks." I smiled and followed Alex towards the great wood door, still marveling at the beautiful colors of the vines hanging off of the great castle.

Sean knocked on the door and nobody answered.

"It sounds like somebody's upstairs." I accidentally blurted out, putting my hands over my mouth as if I had just exposed a juicy secret.

"Amazing..." Charles muttered to himself, smiling as the door suddenly swung open, revealing a very tired looking boy wearing a lab coat, his hair was a beautiful chestnut brown(?), his awkwardly cute glasses made him cuter than he already was. His eyes quickly landed on me, making us to accidentally make eye contact and causing us both to blush and look at our shoes as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"I-I didn't expect you guys to be home so soon." He stuttered, not making eye contact with any one of us.

"Hank, would you mind taking Y/N up to her room?" Charles asked him politely as Hank's face and ears just reddened and he nodded.

"Thank you Hank. I believe you two have quite a bit in common." Charles smiled at us as all of the guys, besides Hank, had walked into the house, leaving us alone.

He picked up one of my Suitcases as I picked up mine.

"I can do it." He said, barely above a whisper.

"A-are you sure?" I stuttered and asked him, putting the suitcase down on the floor.

"I'm sure." He said, looking at me with his sea-blue eyes.

"Thanks!" I said following him into the foyer. "So, ummm, they tell me you like Star Trek."

"Yeah!" His face immediately lit up. "It's one of my favorite shows actually! I own all the seasons on vhs!"

"When they saw all of my Star Trek memorabilia they told me that back at the mansion, here, that there was a guy named Hank lived there and when I heard your name I assumed it was you." I told him as we walked up a big set of stairs. "They also mentioned that you never leave your lab except for the new episode of Star Trek."

"Did they really say that?" He asked turning left at the top of the staircase.

"Yeah, they did." I said while we walked down the corridor, all the way to the back.

"Here's your room." He said, opening the very last door.

It was a medium sized room, with a bed in the corner, a TV, and a dresser with a mirror right above it.

"Well, this room is going to be COVERED in posters when I'm done with it." I smiled as he just chuckled quietly, completely mesmerized by the girl in front of him.

I happily grabbed my suitcase full of knickknacks and started getting my posters and decorations out of my bag.

"Hey Hank?" I asked, putting my many VHS's on top of the TV.

"Hmm?" He said smiling slightly.

"Do you think you could grab some tape for me, so I can hang up my posters?" I asked him, blushing because I didn't like asking people for things.

He nodded and came back a few seconds with a full roll of tape.

"T-Thank you." I stuttered and blushed starting to put my first band poster up.

We then started putting up posters together, talking about our favorite Star Trek episodes and quotes, just having a good time talking about random things.

Alex POV

"They would be the best couple." I whispered to Sean, smiling.

"Yeah, they really would." He said to me, as we listened in on their conversation.

Too Shy to Do Anything {Hank McCoy X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now