Chapter 8

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Hello again! Sorry for the late update, I just started school. But... It's 1076 words to make it up to ya'll. Enjoy!

~Start of Chapter ^-^~

"This place is my home Hank! I DON'T want to leave! Ever! I don't care, Hank! This is the best place for me! But, if you really, really, want me to leave, I will, because I trust you, I really do." I ranted, because I really did think that he had the best judgment.

"I really think you should go. I don't want you to go. I j-just feel that you'd be a lot happier away from this place. A-away from all of this." He frantically waved his arms with tears pooling in his baby blue eyes.

"Oh, Hank." I walked over to him and hugged his lanky frame. "I really will leave if you want me to. Just visit me sometime. Okay?" Tears were starting to flow down both of our faces freely.

"I will. I promise you." And with that, I left. I called Jim, and he picked me up, not to return for years to come.

~Time Skip 5 Years (Yep, it's a doozy)~

No calls, no visits, no nothing. His promise had been broken. I went back to my job at the library, me and Jim got two dogs, an odd dog named Spock and a small mutt named Bones. It had gotten lonely in our small town, the children I used to read to grew up and new ones replaced them. Jim got a girlfriend, her name was Artimis and she was really nice and bubbly, just what Jim needed. As for me, I had gone on maybe two dates at the most since I left. Dates were always too demanding of me, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and cuddle with the doggies.

All was quiet that day, the birds and the quiet hum of the TV on low. A car pulled up into the driveway, and me, being me, just decided that it was obviously Jim coming home from Artimis' house, since the dogs started happily barking, Spock's low, slows barks overpowering Bones' small, short barks.

A knock sounded at the door. I lazily got up from my special spot on the dog hair covered couch.

"Jim! Did you lose your keys again?" I yelled, not bothering who it was.

No answer came, so I just blindly opened the door as Bones and Spock bounded out and started to attack their ankles.

"Bones! Spock! NO!" I yelled at them, grabbing their collars, putting them back inside and closing the door. I looked up at the people at my door.

"Hi! Sorry about tha-" I looked up at the strangers, only to be greeted by a familiar face. "Hank!" I hugged him, even though I still only came up to the middle of his chest.

"I missed you too Y/N." He said as I slapped him in the chest.

"Why did you never call or come over or anything!" I yelled at him, stepping away.

"Well, um, I did once. You weren't h-home. I r-really meant to visit you more. I really did." He slightly rambled until a guy who looked like a shaggier Charles poked his shoulder.

"Hank, we don't have much time. We need to get Erik and Peter." 'Charles' said as a particularly gruff looking guy lit a cigar.

"We can go inside and talk instead of on the fucking stoop, if you guys want." I said sassily, crossing my arms and looking up the taller guys.

"Sure, thank you Y/N." 'Charles' answered, obviously hung over. I opened the door and Spock and Bones ran out of the house and started loving on Hank and Charles.

"C'mon in!" I smiled and waved them in.

"So, who the hell are you." I pointed to the man with the gruff sideburns and cigar.

"I'm Logan, and I already know who you are, you're as sassy as ever." His voice was as rough as he looked. I was confused, I had never even seen this bitch before. So, I had no idea how the fuck he knew me.

"And, um, how the fuck do you know me?" I retorted, crossing my arms as Hank chuckled slightly, while he got mauled by my dogs.

"Well, I know an older you. I'm from the future." He bluntly said, crossing his arms like I did as I uncrossed mine.

"You're shitting me right now, right?" I asked them all, Hank nodded, with a little smile. He looked sort of different. He had a bit of stubble, his hair was slightly different, a bit shorter, and had sideburns. It was cute and suited him.

"He's legitimate... I think." Hank said, Dean in his lap.

"Coffee anybody?" I asked, grabbing a cup for myself from the kitchen.

Hank laughed slightly. "You know I want some!" I giggled and grabbed another cup, knowing he liked his coffee strong and dark, just like I did.

"Here ya go!" I placed the cup of coffee in his large hands. "Now, explain." I demanded of Logan.

He explained the whole story about him being sent back in time by Charles and Erik, the sentinels, how Mystique was going to kill Trask and how we needed to stop her from ultimately causing our demise.

"I'll come." I interrupted him in the middle of his closing sentence. Hank's face immediately lit up.

"Really?" Hank said, obviously excited on my interruption.

"Yep! I want to go with you, I mean, it's been 5 years since I've seen you guys!" I downed my whole cup of coffee.

"She's still as coffee addicted as ever." Logan snorted. "Just like you Hank."

Hank's face reddened at Logan's comment, as he downed his coffee to hide the blush. I took his coffee cup and threw them in the sink for Jim to do later.

"I got to call Jim and tell him that I'm leaving. I'll be back in a few minutes." I ran to my room and hastily threw a pair of clothes in a backpack while telling Jim what happened, he said that it was great that I got to see my everlasting crush and go with him on an adventure.

"I'm ready to go." I told them, as Spock nuzzled my thigh.

"Let's go, it's going to be a while with you two lovebirds in the back." Charles got up from the couch, as me and Hank's face erupted in a bright red blush.

"No doubt." Logan muttered, as we walked out to the car.



So, umm, what did you guys think? Thanks to Paris for motivating me <3

Remember, I don't bite. Feel free to talk to me whenever <3

A/N: 9/22/16:  I changed it from 10 years to 5 years because the wiki page said it closed in the late sixties

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