Chapter 1: L O S T

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Lost, starving and freezing. It was all that you felt. You didn't know where you were or how you got here. You do not know who you are or who you used to be; you remember a name, though. Jay. You know this can not really be your real name, but whatever. You just know that somebody used to call you that.

You were in a delicate situation. All you could see was snow, and it was morning, probably near sunrise. Trembling with the slight but deadly cold breeze, you were curled up in the snow. Still waiting for somebody to help you, but you were almost losing hope. You would die frozen at any moment and you had already accepted it.

While you were still struggling to stay alive, someone was there peeping you. It was a man wearing a black suit, hands covered with black gloves. But the "man" also had a black dorsal fin on the top of his head, along with two white spots on both sides of his hair; and also a tail. All this looked like an orca. A humanoid orca.

The sun was already rising, and the man was tired of just watching you. He wanted to "play" with you. Then, with his hands in his pockets, he started walking towards you. You soon realized and smiled when you saw a silhouette walking toward you.

"S-someone...!" you whispered shakily.

You got up with the little strength you still had and started walking slowly toward whoever it was. You just felt extremely sad and lonely, thinking about dying alone, without anyone knowing and in an unfamiliar place. This was not something comforting. Just thinking of death is not something comforting.

You two were very close, and you could feel the smell of tobacco that person had. You realized there was something absolutely unusual about this person, but you did not really care. Your despair was greater than your doubt.

"Well, well..." the man said with a sadist grin.

"W-who..." you whisper in surprise and disbelief to be with anyone else in this big mount of snow.

"You know, a girl should not be alone this hou..." the man was stopped by something that left him extremely surprised and confused: you hugged him suddenly and began to cry for some reason that you not even understand.

"D-don't care about who or what you are..." you said shakily, looking directly in the dark and menacing eyes of the man. "Just let me stay with you. Don't leave me here alone. Be my friend..."

The man was still speechless. He hoped that you'd have a reaction of fear or anger, fled, and then he would hunt and kill you slowly. But you simply begged to stay with him and be friends with him. No one ever asked something like that for him.

"Uh, I..." the man did not know what to say.

You were just enjoying the feeling of the heat that the man's body was emitting to yours. He was still unresponsive, but you soon released him, murmuring something that the man could not understand.

"Uh, your parents did not teach you not to talk to strangers...?"

"I don't know who my parents are. N-not even know who I am." you said a bit calmer. "But who are you, sir?"

"You really have no fear of strangers...?" he commented, ignoring your question.

"Not really. Strangers are just friends we haven't met." even freezing and hungry, you still smiled. It seemed that talking to someone made you forget the situation you were in.

"You're the optimistic type, huh?" he asked. "You have no fear of me? Don't think of me as threatening or anything like that?"

"Actually", you said innocently. "I think you're really weird. But I like weird stuff; normal things are not fun to me."

The man was silent for a moment, analyzing the situation he was in. First, he wanted to make you a "toy" or just devour you, 'cause your smell says you're clearly a human; and he can't even remember the taste of human flesh. But he ended up getting more curious about the things that you can do and say to him. An entertainment? Perhaps. But somehow it is interesting.

"You're cold, right?" he asked. You nodded.

The humanoid orca sighed slowly, then took off his suit and put it around your back; still trembling. You were surprised by the act, but thanked him with a warm smile. It has not helped so much to warm you, but you didn't care. Actions like this make you happy. And happiness warms hearts.

"Go there," he said, pointing to a small village with some houses just a bit far away. Only now you realized the existence of these houses, since the sun was almost completely on display on the horizon. "They're going to take care of you. I'm not very recommendable for that."

"Uh, right... Thank you, sir!" you smiled. "I'm Jay. Hm, you have not told me your name yet..."

"Well... I'm just an orca on a stroll. But call me Idate." the man said. He then just goes away with his hands in his pockets.

"Orca...?" you take a moment to think. For some reason, you had not noticed the "abnormalities" that man had. "Doesn't matter... he seems nice. I hope to have the chance to meet him again and return the favor." you smile as you firmly hold the suit Idate had given to you.

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Hello! If you read this far, thank you! Please, review and say if I should keep posting! Any doubts? Just ask!

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