Chapter 12: O P E N D O O R

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A bit dizzy. That's the feeling. But there's more feelings. Peace? Yeah, a huge piece, serenity. Oh, and voices. Voices echoed in the room. Wait. Room? Where... where you were?

You remember... being severely hurt by some stupid shark. You... you were dead? No, you can't be. You feel. You breath. Difficultly, but you still breath. Your brain can't identify what's happening still. But you know you're laying on something soft. Maybe a bed?

You hear someone saying your name. It's close. You moves your body slightly, murmuring something though your voice was too low. The voice answers you frenetically. You then finally open your heavy eyes. You cover them immediately though, there's too much light.

You hear... other voices coming to you. They're so familiar... you want to talk to them. You miss them.

"...yeah, she's awake! Bring him!" you hear someone saying. A sweet, soft and natural caring voice.

Your eyes finally got used to the ambient light. You can see a face way too close to yours, smiling.

"J-Jay!" Yukisada whispers happily. "You're finally awake!"

"W-what...?" you say, rubbing your eyes and sitting in the bed.

"I've missed you so, so, so much!" Yukisada just hugs you tightly, he seems so happy. You expected to feel pain, but you felt absolutely nothing. So you just hugs him back.

You then look around... is your and Idate's room. "Uh, w-what happened?"

"I think I'll have to explain everything that happened. Do you remember about that shark?" he asks. You nod slowly. "Well, he'd hurt you really, really bad. You almost died, Jay. No, I mean... unfortunately, you actually died. Your heart did stopped beating for... days. But you're alive, now."

You're kinda in shock, you don't understand. You put your hand on your chest, feeling the calm beats of your heart. How is this even possible? "How... how did I came back?"

"Oh, you're alive thanks to Idate." Yukisada sighs, in relief. "Me and Shirogane just had arrived when you lost your conscious, but I think you can't remember that. I, well... when I looked at your wound and all the blood you lost, I knew you wouldn't survive. And Idate knew it too... but he couldn't accept. He said he was going somewhere in the sea, whispering something about a sea witch... And then he said to me take care of you till he comes back."

"Oh..." you whispers quietly.

"I had taken care of your wound, but... you didn't survived much more than two days." he low down his head sadly. "When Idate came back, he was really bad. He saw your body, no sign of life. But he... still had something, he didn't gave up still. He put a liquid from a small bottle in your mouth, which he said it was a potion from the sea witch, and that it would heal you. But... he wasn't sure. All because you had already died."

That's... unusual. You try to understand everything, though your brain is still numb.

"He waited for days and he didn't said anything more to anyone. He didn't harassed Rocma, he didn't bullied Shirogane anymore. He just stood in his zone, really... depressed." Yukisada says slowly. "He didn't even slept since that event with the shark."

"And... how much time has passed since that?" you asked, somehow innocently but afraid of the answer.

Yukisada seemed reluctant about it. "It was... you... almost three weeks."

Wow. You've died. You've been out for almost three weeks.

"I-it's a bunch of days, uh..." you laughed nervously, trying not to cry. "But where is... where is Idate?"

"Oh, he's coming! I already asked Shirogane to call him!" he says cheerfully. "Oh my, he'll be so happy about it!"

"R-really?!" you smiled. "That's fa-" you were interrupted by someone suddenly kicking the door and entering the room desperately.

It was Idate, breathing heavily and looking a mess more than ever. He was in total shock and disbelief when he saw you really awake, smiling at him. He had tears on his eyes.

"Well, I'll give you two some privacy now." Yukisada said smiling as he closed the door, leaving you alone with your lover.

Idate walked slowly till your bed and fell on your body. He hugged you so tightly you couldn't breath.

"You're... you're awake." he whispers quietly as he doesn't let you go.

You laugh sweetly, hugging him back. "Yeah, I'm here, cry baby. C'mon, stop crying."

"I-I'm not crying, I just...!" he can't answer, so he just sighs, giving up. "I've missed you so much... I thought I'd really lost you..." he says, finally looking at your face, interrupting the hug, but still on the top of you. He looked so... down. His eyes were full of sadness. You can see he almost lost his hope. You feel so sad about it. But what could have you done?

"I'll never let you get out of my sight again." he says serious. "But, now... I just... I just..." he put one hand on your cheek, leaning slowly on your face. "I just want to love you."

He then presses his body against yours and kisses you so deeply and passionately, in a way he never did. You put your arms around his neck and kiss him back, smiling.

After the news that you've finally woke up, all your friends came to see you. When Rocma saw you, she just gave you a long bear hug. Literally. "Never do something like that again!" she said. Mafuyu just grabbed your legs and didn't let go. Rocma had to take her by force.

Shiro, well, was too shy to hug you, so you hugged him, making he blush deeply. Peraco was too much happy to see you again. She just hugged you every five minutes. Rock was the one who didn't said anything, but he felt everything.

"And we know that we're headstrong, and our heart's gone, and the timing's never right."

For now, you are living a new life, with the one you love, in a isle with many friends that you love (except that disgusting snowman). You can say that you like here a lot.

"But for now let's get away..."

There are still so many secrets to be revealed. Well, life is an open door. Can you let them in?

"... on a Roman Holiday."



thank you for reading this bullshit this far aaaA

buuuuuuuuuut! this is not the end! i would make some OVAs telling how would be your life on the isle after these events, but i thought its best to make the OVAs after the sequel! YEA WE GONNA HAVE A SEQUEL HERE AAA 

see yall, bYE!

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