Chapter 11: C O M I N G D O W N

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Idate was searching for you, walking towards his zone, when he heard an unfamiliar voice. It was a male. Then, he heard your voice, groaning in pain, like trying to breath. His heart accelerated in anger, he deduced the worst.

"Jay!" he said, trying to stay calm, running towards the voices. He faced a scene that made him furious.

"...die already. Then I will do fun things with you. I like the quiet ones." the disgusting shark smiled as he held your neck tightly.

"N-no..." you mumbled weakly, in pain, making the orca clench his fists.

That shark dared to touch you. That shark dared to try to kill you and insinuated he'll do dirty things with you. Oh, he was really furious. He never felt so furious in his whole life. He wanted to end with the life of that fucking shark already, but the disgusting fish deserves some torture before being killed. There's no mercy. Just fight.

"Who do you think you are you fucking bastard." Idate said with a voice filled with hatred.

You and the shark looked at the direction of the voice. Though almost loosing conscious, you smiled softly as your gaze landed on the figure of the humanoid orca. Well, the shark just looked at Idate with a disgusted look.

"And who you would be?" he asked, putting you down, still holding you tight by your waist, hurting your whole body.

"G-get off me..." you tried to flee from his arms, but you were not strong enough.

"I am no one you should know," Idate answered, gritting his teeth, as he walks closer. "But that girl, the one you're trying to kill, is my girlfriend."

"Is that so? Lucky guy." the shark grinned looking at your body. "You must have fun with her."

"No, I don't." Idate said, trying not to punch the perverted shark still because he's too close of you, it would hurt you. "Cause, instead of you, I respect her choices."

"Oh, sorry man. But I don't care about her choices." the shark said.

"You're a dead shark now, you know it, right?" Idate said, trying to seem calm, waiting for an opening to attack the shark.

"No, the only who'll die right now is this- OUCH" he was interrupted by Idate doing a sweep kick on him and picking you up like a bride, before you could fall to the ground with the shark.

"Nah, nah, too slow." Idate said grinning with satisfaction at the mad shark. He then looked at you, softening his gaze, kinda sadly. "I'm sorry. I swear I'll never let you go away again."

You just smiled at him as you entered your face into his neck. "You're here now, that's all that matters to me."

He smiled and gave you a quick kiss. "Lets go, I'll take you away from that stupid sh- ARGH" this time, the shark retaliated, biting Idate's sensitive tail.

You and Idate both fell to the ground. While Idate was still groaning in pain, the shark got you again. And, unfortunately, this time he'd hurt you severely.

His arm across your body, on your stomach. A bit blood comes out of your mouth aggressively. You never felt such an excruciating pain in your life - even if you can't remember your past.

His arm finally leaves your body, more and more blood comes out of the place he hit you. Idate watches the scene in disbelief. The shark simply smiles as he looks at his work. "Seems she actually is the one who'll die here." he said.

In agony, you're on your knees, trying to catch breath. But it turns out harder and harder as the seconds passes.

Your body isn't able to stand anymore. You fall to the ground, blood scattered on the snow and on your clothes.

You don't know what is happening anymore, you just see blurred images. You see blood in the air, but it isn't yours. You see a body on the ground, without the head, dead.

You then see a figure in black run towards you (you also feel the smell of tobacco), and hugging your weak body tightly.

You hear their voice someway distant, seemly desperate. You then hear other voices yelling, from far way, maybe coming to you, but you don't really know. But you know them all, though your brain didn't cooperate with you right now.

You feel your whole body numb as a single tear down your face. You fight to keep your eyes open. But slowly, in a too painful way, you lose air and conscious. Your eyes were too heavy. You can't feel anything but pain. Everything is a blur, everything you hear seems so far away from you. You want to talk, but your voice doesn't comes out. You want to think, but your thoughts comes down to nothing. Closing your eyes, is coming down. All black, you're coming down.


i recommend you to listen to coming down by halsey s2

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