Chapter 2: F O U N D

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You then started walking toward the village. You walked slowly to one of the houses, the one at the top of a mountain. It seemed the safest.

You stopped at the door, but when you were going to knock, the door was opened. By a woman with bear ears. She had a cold and blanc expression, you could not tell what she was feeling. But she was extremely frightening and didn't seem to like your presence.

"Uh... Hello! I am..."

"This is of him." the woman interrupted, pointing to the suit covering your back and shoulders. "Has the disgusting smell of him."

"This? Oh, it's of the man I met just now" you said gently. "I was cold, so he gave me this."

"That orca helping someone? Never." the woman growled and crossed her arms. "Anyway, what do you want?"

"Um, I..." you felt intimidated by her. "I'm kind of lost. I don't know who I am, where I come from or how I got here, but I'm a little... Famished and very cold. I wanted to ask if... if I could stay here for a while. I have nothing to offer yet, but... I'd appreciate a lot if you let me stay here."

The scary woman was silent as she was thinking.

"Here is not a shelter for lost people" the woman said coldly. "...But your situation seems really complicated, so I will let you stay. But just this time. Come in."


You was received enthusiastically by Mafuyu, daughter of Rocma, the scary woman with polar bear ears. Rocma is rigid and cold, but you realized that deep down she cares about others. Well, at least about Mafuyu.

After making sure you were warm, fed and without any risk, Rocma made a mini-interrogatory on you.

"How old are you?" asked Rocma.

"Don't know, probably 23...?" you had no idea how to respond.

"What kind are you?"

"Uh, I'm a... human."

"Human?" Rocma asked suspiciously. "Humans don't usually come to this place. They ignore or just avoid. I wonder how you got here..."

"Yeah, me too..." you replied nervously.

"Last question" Rocma firmly looked at your deep eyes. "How did you get out alive?"

"What does that mean?" you were confused.

"Idate. He's dangerous" Rocma crossed his arms. "Don't come near his zone. He can kill you in a split second."

You did not understand why Rocma talk about him that way. Idate was kind to you. But you consider what Rocma said, 'cause, well, she lives here and knows Idate better than you do.


Hours later, Rocma brought Yukisada, a very gentle snow owl, and Shirogane, an extremely shy arctic wolf who seems to be afraid of everything. Both were surprised to see a new face around and were curious, you are a creature who both had never seen.

"You really don't know who you are?" asked Yukisada gently.

"Uh, no..." you said. "I just know that somebody used to call me Jay."

"Hm... Okay, so" he smiled. "What... what are you? I really have never seen anything like you."

The room had a brief moment of silence.

"I'm... I'm a human."

"What is a human?" Yukisada asked confused and curious. Shirogane just stared at you with a curious look, but he wondered the same.

"They've never seen a human, girl" Rocma explained. "Humans are those creatures that I told you one day; creatures that kill many of us, bind us, torture us, use as entertainment... remember?"

Yukisada made a gasp of surprise, while Shirogane hid in fear.

"H-hey, it's not that way, no need to be afraid of me!" you said trying to calm Shirogane who now was shaking terrified.

"Is it true, Jay?" Yukisada asked hesitantly.

"Well, I would like to say no, but it's true..." you sighed weakly. "Humans do these kind of things, but not all of us. There are many humans like me who would never hurt anyone."

"Right. I believe you." Yukisada said with a smile of relief.

But Shirogane still did not seem convinced, as was still trembling with fear, almost crying.

"You should stop being such a coward!" Rocma said angrily. "You're just useless. Being afraid of a mere weak human..."

Yukisada was about to defend his best friend when you did first.

"H-hey!" you almost screamed. "With all respect, lady Rocma, but this is not something you should tell anyone!"

"Yes, it is. This coward has to learn to stop being afraid of everything" Rocma seemed indifferent.

"But he has not done anything wrong! Is common to be afraid, fear is what keeps us alive and healthy. Not something to be laughed at!" you then gave a gentle smile to Shirogane, who was surprised at being defended by a stranger. "I'm sure Shirogane has many qualities. You should just try to find them."

Rocma was surprised and silent for a while. She then left the room, leaving you, Yukisada and Shirogane alone.

"J-Jay..." Yukisada said with a contagious smile. "Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me! It's just what I think." you laughed.

Shirogane finally stopped hiding and faced with you. He was nervous, avoiding looking in your eyes, his cheeks were slightly pink.

"Y-you..." he practically whispered. "Do you really think I have qualities...?"

You were surprised by the question, but then nodded. "Sure I think!" you replied excitedly. "We all have qualities; you would not be an exception! I would like to know more about you, to know your qualities. What do you think of going in a walk and spend a little time with me?"

Shirogane made a gasp of surprise and blushed more. Yukisada laughed at the reaction of his best friend.

"I-I... It would be cool..." Shirogane replied nervously.

"Perfect!" you said cheerfully. "Yukisada, want to join us?"

"I have some things to do, you two go!" Yukisada said with a smile.

"Right! Come on, Shiro" you took Shirogane hand (or paw...?) and led him to the door, before saying goodbye to Yukisada.

You definitely like to help others. And at the moment you wanted to help Shirogane. You noticed that he seemed sad from the start, but did not think the wolf had depression. You two spent time together talking. Shirogane told you about his problems and insecurities, and you tried to advise him the way you could. Sometimes the wolf began to cry and sob, then you hugged him and said nice things, making him blush intensely. Shirogane did not trust or thought he would trust anyone but your best friend, Yukisada. But that changed when the wolf met you.

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Welp. New chapter 'cause I am bored. Is it going well? ;w; I know it's not supposed to have a name (nickname, on real), but the name Jay has a reason, just wait! If there's any orthographic error, please, tell me! English is not my first language, so I might make some mistakes. Bye!

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